Your fav first-party Xbox One games?

Al Sacco

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Sooo, with Sea of Thieves grabbing lots of attention these days, and people seemingly either loving it or hating it, I started thinking about the best first-party Xbox games from Microsoft. Honestly, I spent about 15 minutes with Sea of Thieves and kind of lost interest. But I plan to give it another try soon. The one recent title that I really liked and comes right to mind was Super Lucky's Tale. (I know, that's a "kid's" game ... but I like it. I even bought the recent DLC.)

What do you think? What are your favorite first-party Xbox One games? And why?


New member
Jan 15, 2015
*Tumbleweeds* ….

Lococycle? /s

Apologies for sarcasm, it being the lowest form of wit and all that. There haven't been many First Party titles as such and it is a common complaint among Xbox fans. Halo 5 and Sea of Thieves stand out as good First Party titles.

Second Party titles like Sunset Overdrive or Quantum Break were good too.


Active member
May 9, 2012
I guess an exclusive isn't quite the same as first party, but I'm just playing Quantum Break for the first time (with the One X enhancements) and really like it. I think the game play and story so far are incredible. I suspect that 10 years from now when I reflect back on memorable games, this will be in the list. That makes me glad that I play on Xbox over PS4 (I was previously on PS3 and never had an Xbox before that), and that's the true purpose for 1st party titles.


New member
Feb 9, 2017
I guess an exclusive isn't quite the same as first party, but I'm just playing Quantum Break for the first time (with the One X enhancements) and really like it. I think the game play and story so far are incredible. I suspect that 10 years from now when I reflect back on memorable games, this will be in the list. That makes me glad that I play on Xbox over PS4 (I was previously on PS3 and never had an Xbox before that), and that's the true purpose for 1st party titles.
Hmm So your comparing part of QB's story to the entire catalog of PS4 games? The PS4 has so many more 1st party or exclusive games. And if anything PS4 is known to have a lot of good story based game.

Anyway enjoy QB, I really enjoyed that game.


New member
Feb 9, 2017
If it's about games made by first party studio, then there aren't many to choose from. It's Halo, Forza, Gears or the odd Rare game.
For me, my favourite MS game of all time is AOE2, on xbox it got to be Halo 2. And XB1 games I got to say Halo MCC.

If we're talking about XB1 games and IPs owned by MS, I would say Ori. It was really nice. I had a great time with that game and I'm really looking forward to the sequel. QB was good.

Jaroslav Houdek

New member
Aug 11, 2014
I spent most hours in Forza games, that's what brought me to Xbox in the first place. But I liked all the games, maybe with exception of Ryse, that was really odd. Heck, I even ejoyed the Lococycle more than Ryse. But Lococycle featured Lloyd Kaufman, anything with Lloyd Kaufman cannot be bad.


New member
Aug 31, 2017
Sooo, with Sea of Thieves grabbing lots of attention these days, and people seemingly either loving it or hating it, I started thinking about the best first-party Xbox games from Microsoft. Honestly, I spent about 15 minutes with Sea of Thieves and kind of lost interest. But I plan to give it another try soon. The one recent title that I really liked and comes right to mind was Super Lucky's Tale. (I know, that's a "kid's" game ... but I like it. I even bought the recent DLC.)

What do you think? What are your favorite first-party Xbox One games? And why?

If you're limiting it to Xbox One, really only Gears, Halo, and Forza. If you're talking about exclusives to Microsoft's platforms (All Xboxes and Windows), then I have a very long list for you.


Trusted Member Team Leader
Aug 19, 2013
I think it would be in everyone's best interest to stay on topic.

As for me....I would vote Ori myself. I can't wait for will of the wisps.


Active member
Nov 12, 2012
[warn]Trolling - Do not post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages to provoke users into responding in a negative way. Calling another member a troll is also a form of trolling.[/WARN]

Thread cleaned up a tad, let's keep it that way for the time being.

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