Legacy PHones no Apollo Update, will get 7.8 update

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Aug 30, 2011
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Well, I am a developer and I agree with the original poster, not your analysis. For our Android stuff, we start with Gingerbread, not ICS. Why? Bigger market. We then port to ICS and then finally for tablets.

For the Windows stuff, however, there is a difference. From what I've seen, I don't think we'll have to even do that- it appears there are a number of compile targets that mean I'll just have to click what I want to compile for : WP7/WP8/Win8/Win8RT. If I have to change a dozen lines of code, I'll just compile for them all. At least currently our Win8 code seems to be pretty easy to move to WP7 so I don't know why we wouldn't just keep doing that.

PEOPLE, if you haven't read anything in this topic, YOU NEED TO READ THIS!

And I thank you


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Mar 1, 2011
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In the 2 years leading up to today's announcement...

Users: "Windows Phone needs dual core, HD screens, NFC, removable storage, and first class hardware."

Microsoft: "Okay, here's your dual core, HD, NFC, removable storage, and a list of dedicated hardware partners."

Users: "But the old hardware can do everything the new hardware can, right"


Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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Well, I am a developer and I agree with the original poster, not your analysis. For our Android stuff, we start with Gingerbread, not ICS. Why? Bigger market. We then port to ICS and then finally for tablets.

For the Windows stuff, however, there is a difference. From what I've seen, I don't think we'll have to even do that- it appears there are a number of compile targets that mean I'll just have to click what I want to compile for : WP7/WP8/Win8/Win8RT. If I have to change a dozen lines of code, I'll just compile for them all. At least currently our Win8 code seems to be pretty easy to move to WP7 so I don't know why we wouldn't just keep doing that.

Now, provided this is true, this is an absolute godsend and a great way for Microsoft to soften the blow (let's make no mistakes here, no Apollo is still a blow regardless). If this is true, and Microsoft also provide the OS-level integration for Skype, then all my friends just waiting in the firing ranges to shoot me down for backtracking on my decision to not get an iPhone can go pop shove it! As I would not be migrating to the iPhone. If they can show they will throw their full support with what they can bring, then I will continue to support them, even if I think their WP7.8/WP8 naming systems are far-fetched (but then again, who am I to understand how that stuff works?). Also, best of luck with your app, what's it called anyway? I need to work on Windows Phone development myself, but the app I'm creating WILL run on WP7.8 (I've seen the Marketplace, everything that would be in my app does work, I just need Mr Boss Man to create the APIs as I have no access to the station's backend and no APIs currently exist)


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Jun 21, 2012
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No disappointment pls....

I feel that except for limitations due to kernel change, rest of all the features which are compatible with the 7.5 mango hardware to be given as update, rather than limiting to just visual appearance. We are not installing a theme here!!! At least MS should understand that till this new phone 8 is in market, the prospective buyers should not be kept on hold in suspense neither they should disappoint the current users. In this case, Android is pro-active. :mad:


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Jan 10, 2012
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Windows Phone 7 is not dead, there will still be apps that are developed for it (apps aren't everything anyway).

Who told you apps aren't everything by the way?? Your smartphone is only smart if it has apps. No matter what we do, WP7.x won't get supported for new apps..that's all and that's my worry and pain.


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Mar 24, 2012
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Who told you apps aren't everything by the way?? Your smartphone is only smart if it has apps. No matter what we do, WP7.x won't get supported for new apps..that's all and that's my worry and pain.
Most developers will likely stay on developing Wp7x apps. becasue wp7 apps are compatible with wp8. So developers would make more money to develop on the CE side. the popular apps will likely come to Wp7/7.5 phones
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Dec 14, 2011
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Who told you apps aren't everything by the way?? Your smartphone is only smart if it has apps. No matter what we do, WP7.x won't get supported for new apps..that's all and that's my worry and pain.

Like ccgkz4 said, maybe once WP8 is established there maybe more exclusivity but there will still be apps because of the way Microsoft has established their framework. The turn around time going from a WP7.5 app to WP8 should be small, and I have faith that Microsoft probably made it almost automatic for developers to add all the new stuff, via code, that will be in WP8 such as NFC communication. Why wouldn't a developer attempt to tackle both markets at least for an extra year or so once WP8 debuts if adding functionality between builds is fairly easy?

Games probably would be the only issue and those would probably be for games that want the access to native code. But every other app that doesn't shouldn't be that big of a problem.

So relax.


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Feb 7, 2012
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In the 2 years leading up to today's announcement...

Users: "Windows Phone needs dual core, HD screens, NFC, removable storage, and first class hardware."

Microsoft: "Okay, here's your dual core, HD, NFC, removable storage, and a list of dedicated hardware partners."

Users: "But the old hardware can do everything the new hardware can, right"

Click to view quoted image

I dont care about dual core, HD screen, NFC, SD card. If I did I wouldnt have bought the "flagship" HTC Titan in the first place.

What I DO care about is bugs getting fixed, basic features getting added, improvements on the browser and the system in general for at least 18-24 months.

I was hoping the Windows Phone OS and its experience would grow on my phone, since WP7.5 honestly leaves a lot to be desired, especially if you are an enterprise user.

WP was released here (and in most countries outside US/UK) just last fall, with WP7.5.

Is it just me or wasnt everyone talking about how Windows Phone would stand out because it didnt need "killer hardware"? Or that no fragmentation was the key? The OS would be the same, functionality would only be limited by small hardware changes?

(I remember how people on the forums was bashing dual/quad core as worthless, batteries burning etc, and how HD resolutions was just something for TVs, SD card support was something from the stone age before the cloud was invited etc. It is funny to see how peoples opinions adopt.)

One of the biggest arguments for me to buy the HTC Titan was just that! Windows Phone does not need overwhelming specs to run.

So this is what we get for buying expensive phones (my Titan was 900 USD) and believing and supporting MS and the WP future.

"Sorry, you will get one update, and then your phone will be obsolete when it is 6 months old. But at least you get a new start screen."

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Feb 7, 2012
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It is also funny to see how Nokia/MS is just about to release the Lumia 900 here in my country. Making it one of the most expensive phones regardless OS, I wonder how easy it will be to sell.

I understand that most smartphone buyers may not know that WP7 is being phased out, but somehow it will affect sales.

Will Nokia really survive just selling two abandoned OSes until WP8?


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Jun 3, 2012
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You just bought a phone that you're stuck with for the next two years that's getting cut off. That sucks. The iPhone 3GS is getting iOS 6, and it's three years old. Your phone is two months old if you bought a 900.

Windows Phone 8 Looks Great, but It Screws Existing Users

Enjoy your no new apps from here on out situation.

Dunno is this has already been mentioned but i'm going to mention it anyway...

The iPhone 3GS is indeed getting iOS6 but if you look into it, it's not getting ALL the benefits of iOS6 and has an Apple Rep said this? Not that I've read anywhere. Microsoft HAS said WP7/7.5 will get WP7.8 access LIKE the 3GS and to some extent even the 4 wont have EVERYTHING the same as the new iPhone or iPhone 6.

I ADORE what Microsoft are doing with WP8 and making everything work together, now if it adds support to work seamlessly with my Xbox 360 after I have ungraded my laptop to Windows 8 and bought a Windows 8 Tablet why on earth would I want ANYTHING other than a WP8? (sneaky Microsoft)!

And as for the app devs go then I don't think they will abandon WP7/7.5/7.8 because when WP8 launches then compared to WP7/7.7/7.8 where are they gonna make the money (marketshare) Windows 8 PC/Laptop/Slate/Tablet apps are the ones that are going to be ported MAINLY to WP8.

Some people just read the Headlines.... check out the small print before you fly off the handle people

Roll on Nov for my upgrade!!!!


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Nov 14, 2011
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There is no point in arguing about how anyone feels about this. All feelings are valid, one way or the other, and telling people how to feel is a fruitless labor.

The bottom line is that there is a huge backlash over this decision by Microsoft. There must be a reason that so many have become upset over this. Clearly Microsoft is to blame. You cannot drop a bomb like this without giving further reassurance and details. This alone is Microsoft's biggest failure here. They should be talking about what to expect from devs, oems, etc. for WP7.x devices going forward. They basically made people feel deserted. You can't blame the people who feel this way.

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May 8, 2012
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I bought a Titan II last month, and I am happy with it. Im sure hearing about WP8 all the time and all of the apps that I cant have may change my opinion, but for now im happy. I wasnt expect a magical hardware update. Hopefully there are some other upgrades we can expect in 7.8. All I keep hearing about is the Start Screen, which hasnt really been an issue for me anyway.


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Feb 7, 2012
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Dunno is this has already been mentioned but i'm going to mention it anyway...

The iPhone 3GS is indeed getting iOS6 but if you look into it, it's not getting ALL the benefits of iOS6 and has an Apple Rep said this? Not that I've read anywhere. Microsoft HAS said WP7/7.5 will get WP7.8 access LIKE the 3GS and to some extent even the 4 wont have EVERYTHING the same as the new iPhone or iPhone 6.

Some people just read the Headlines.... check out the small print before you fly off the handle people

Roll on Nov for my upgrade!!!!

Dunno if you thought about this but the iPhone 3GS or 4 wont be 4-6 months old when iOS 6 is released, as the Nokia Lumia 900 and HTC Titan II will be when WP8 is released.


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Jun 3, 2012
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If you bought a phone with a slight concern over upgrading to WP8 from WP7 then all i have to say is its your own fault if your not happy then it unlucky... people who come here generally knew there might be an issue and microsoft have said they will release wp7.8 so your not being abandoned like EVERYONE keeps going on and on and on about. Microsoft didnt say "and if you have a WP7/7.5. we are sorry but we wont be supporting your devices" i didnt read that anywhere... If people REALLY want to have the latest technology the do what i do and BUY it... And for all you americans out there stop getting into 24 month contracts its cheaper to buy an unlocked phone with a seperate data plan!!!


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Apr 3, 2012
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Who told you apps aren't everything by the way?? Your smartphone is only smart if it has apps. No matter what we do, WP7.x won't get supported for new apps..that's all and that's my worry and pain.

I feel that except for limitations due to kernel change, rest of all the features which are compatible with the 7.5 mango hardware to be given as update, rather than limiting to just visual appearance. We are not installing a theme here!!! At least MS should understand that till this new phone 8 is in market, the prospective buyers should not be kept on hold in suspense neither they should disappoint the current users. In this case, Android is pro-active. :mad:

I dont care about dual core, HD screen, NFC, SD card. If I did I wouldnt have bought the "flagship" HTC Titan in the first place.

What I DO care about is bugs getting fixed, basic features getting added, improvements on the browser and the system in general for at least 18-24 months.

I was hoping the Windows Phone OS and its experience would grow on my phone, since WP7.5 honestly leaves a lot to be desired, especially if you are an enterprise user.

WP was released here (and in most countries outside US/UK) just last fall, with WP7.5.

Is it just me or wasnt everyone talking about how Windows Phone would stand out because it didnt need "killer hardware"? Or that no fragmentation was the key? The OS would be the same, functionality would only be limited by small hardware changes?

(I remember how people on the forums was bashing dual/quad core as worthless, batteries burning etc, and how HD resolutions was just something for TVs, SD card support was something from the stone age before the cloud was invited etc. It is funny to see how peoples opinions adopt.)

One of the biggest arguments for me to buy the HTC Titan was just that! Windows Phone does not need overwhelming specs to run.

So this is what we get for buying expensive phones (my Titan was 900 USD) and believing and supporting MS and the WP future.

"Sorry, you will get one update, and then your phone will be obsolete when it is 6 months old. But at least you get a new start screen."


It is also funny to see how Nokia/MS is just about to release the Lumia 900 here in my country. Making it one of the most expensive phones regardless OS, I wonder how easy it will be to sell.

I understand that most smartphone buyers may not know that WP7 is being phased out, but somehow it will affect sales.

Will Nokia really survive just selling two abandoned OSes until WP8?

There is no point in arguing about how anyone feels about this. All feelings are valid, one way or the other, and telling people how to feel is a fruitless labor.

The bottom line is that there is a huge backlash over this decision by Microsoft. There must be a reason that so many have become upset over this. Clearly Microsoft is to blame. You cannot drop a bomb like this without giving further reassurance and details. This alone is Microsoft's biggest failure here. They should be talking about what to expect from devs, oems, etc. for WP7.x devices going forward. They basically made people feel deserted. You can't blame the people who feel this way.

Sent from my PI86100 using Board Express

How is anyone deserted is BEYOND any sane man's understanding.

You got the phones. You liked them. You paid them for what they were.
Now MSFT is giving you features. NOT just the start screen.

Start screen has been revealed as IT IS NOT consumer only feature. Devs need to know how their tiles can now be modified. It was DEV summit. Joe clearly said there are many changes coming to WP8 and WP7.8 for consumer end which is me and you and that tom, dick and harry shouting in possibly all other forums. We don't know these features. But come on, let us get the perspective.

WP7 to WP7.5 = 200 features
WP7.5 to WPTango = 8 features at least?
WPTango to WP7.8 = at least 10 features? (I say it will be 100, but for you say 10?)

How is this deserting anyone? MSFT is adding features to the phone you paid for because you liked it out of the box as it was. You knew it when you bought it. None of the adverts, marketing, sales ever promised us WP8. The reason WP8 can't run for Tom, Dick and Harry's phone is because they don't know how to wipe their phone and start fresh and avoid probs. However for me and you, we have forums, we will get a port anyway!

Also for those worried about apps, you've gotta read this - http://forums.windowscentral.com/1674820-post401.htm

PC Wonk

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Jun 19, 2012
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Then by your analogy it already has Maps.

Umm, what I wrote (that the iPhone 4 is getting the new Maps app) wasn't an "analogy." It's a fact. The two are not interchangeable. It's like if I say that the Lumia 900 comes in cyan. That's not an "analogy" to anything.

What would make sense and since it can support it since there have been turn by turn navigation apps since for as long as I can remember there really is no reason why the turn by turn nav should not be enabled. It can handle it.

I didn't make any claims about what it could or could not handle. What you're missing is that the issue is WP8 not supporting very recent (April 2012) "flagship" hardware, not that it also doesn't support the 2010 WP7 launch devices.

The point I am trying to make is that these tech companies are making disposable expensive gadgets and they do not fully support the device for even the duration of most cell phone contracts.

Your facts don't establish this. The iPhone 4 launched in June 2010. iOS 6 is going to be released about 27 months later, with the average phone contract here in the U.S. (for the iPhone) at 2 years. Meanwhile, MS isn't even supporting the Lumia with new software for the duration of its warranty, much less the length of th typical contract. Now, Apple does this too, but the difference is that while the iPhone 4S and the new iPad (both launched concurrent to or before the Lumia) both support iOS 6 without limitation, even the brand-new Lumia doesn't, even though it was released after MS knew that WP8 would not support any previous generation hardware.

The problem here is that this whole deal makes MS look shortsighted. Some say "MS had to do this for the good of WP8", but I'm wondering why MS didn't do this from the start, instead of (apparently) rushing out WP7 using a platform that lasted exactly one generation. It makes me glad the platform didn't sell that well, thereby reducing the number of people that got the short stick here.


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Nov 14, 2011
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What part of people FEEL deserted was misunderstood. It doesn't matter much what might really happen. Microsoft was quite vague on the whole thing. This is the real issue and that lack of communication feels like desertion to many. No post here will change that. Microsoft needs to provide some reassurance as to what the future SHOULD hold for current devices.

End of story. People will continue to gripe and feel this way until Microsoft provides further details on what exactly will, or will not be in the 7.8 update.

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