In the 2 years leading up to today's announcement...
"Windows Phone needs dual core, HD screens, NFC, removable storage, and first class hardware."
"Okay, here's your dual core, HD, NFC, removable storage, and a list of dedicated hardware partners."
"But the old hardware can do everything the new hardware can, right"
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I dont care about dual core, HD screen, NFC, SD card. If I did I wouldnt have bought the "flagship" HTC Titan in the first place.
What I DO care about is bugs getting fixed, basic features getting added, improvements on the browser and the system in general for at least 18-24 months.
I was hoping the Windows Phone OS and its experience would grow on my phone, since WP7.5 honestly leaves a lot to be desired, especially if you are an enterprise user.
WP was released here (and in most countries outside US/UK) just last fall, with WP7.5.
Is it just me or wasnt everyone talking about how Windows Phone would stand out because it didnt need "killer hardware"? Or that no fragmentation was the key? The OS would be the same, functionality would only be limited by small hardware changes?
(I remember how people on the forums was bashing dual/quad core as worthless, batteries burning etc, and how HD resolutions was just something for TVs, SD card support was something from the stone age before the cloud was invited etc. It is funny to see how peoples opinions adopt.)
One of the biggest arguments for me to buy the HTC Titan was just that! Windows Phone does not need overwhelming specs to run.
So this is what we get for buying expensive phones (my Titan was 900 USD) and believing and supporting MS and the WP future.
"Sorry, you will get one update, and then your phone will be obsolete when it is 6 months old. But at least you get a new start screen."