I put my Lumia 1020 through the washing machine the other day. I bought an Android phone from the local AT&T store because they didn't have any WP's I liked. After a day on Android I wanted to slit my wrists, so bought a new unlocked 920 from Amazon and returned the Android. When it arrived I put my AT&T SIM from the Android in it and I was up in running in minutes. I then noticed poor reception and slow speeds. It was connecting on H/H+ instead of LTE. WiFi reception was sketchy too. After reading up I learned alot more about ROM's and realized I had bought a device with rm-821 on it which is set up on all of the European and APAC bands.
I set out to flash it to rm-820 thinking I could fix this myself. I followed all the tutorials using NaviFirm+ and Nokia Care Suite Store 5. I found several rm-820 ROM's, but bricked my phone on all of them as the Nokia recovery tool reported:
0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device. Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.MurzimProgrammingException: 0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device. at Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.Flash() at Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.<HandleDownloadVariantPackageCompleted>b__8(Object state)
I'm a long time WP/Lumia user and new flasher. I was able to unbrick it by putting an rm-821 ROM back on the phone. So, I"m back to where I started and now I'm simply wondering... is it possible to flash to an rm-820 in my circumstance? I've found many posts reporting successful move to rm-821 from an rm-820 device, but not much on the other way around.
Any advice would be very much appreciated
I set out to flash it to rm-820 thinking I could fix this myself. I followed all the tutorials using NaviFirm+ and Nokia Care Suite Store 5. I found several rm-820 ROM's, but bricked my phone on all of them as the Nokia recovery tool reported:
0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device. Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.MurzimProgrammingException: 0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device. at Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.Flash() at Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.<HandleDownloadVariantPackageCompleted>b__8(Object state)
I'm a long time WP/Lumia user and new flasher. I was able to unbrick it by putting an rm-821 ROM back on the phone. So, I"m back to where I started and now I'm simply wondering... is it possible to flash to an rm-820 in my circumstance? I've found many posts reporting successful move to rm-821 from an rm-820 device, but not much on the other way around.
Any advice would be very much appreciated