Losing contacts and phone numbers for contacts, WP 8.1 Developer Preview.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
I have been losing phone numbers and contacts lately. These are people that I converse with on fairly regular basis. Then all the next day their number shows up as unknown. Anyone else dealing with this?
Haven't heard of this issue before. I guess someone else might be deleting your contacts from some other device... Just go to live account setting and check for the devices added
Something similar is happening to me, I've noticed yesterday around noon that new text messages were no longer displaying using people's name.. looked my contacts on phone, from People app on Windows 8.1 and online at outlook [dot] com.. everywhere was showing that I no longer had any contacts.. what happened?! Still don't have any contacts today. I know lately Microsoft is having some cloud services outages (example: Office 365), maybe it is related, maybe it is only isolated to just some people, one thing is sure is that it sucks! I won't be able to trust their services again to keep my contacts. I'm glad my calendar is not affected but I highly consider moving my data elsewhere!

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