Pocket calls


New member
Mar 6, 2014

given the limited number of ways the apps have to interact with basic system's function, I already have a bad feeling there won't be one to deal with my problem. But still, there it goes...

I find myself too often lately pulling my phone out the pocket UNLOCKED. The pocket calls wouldn't be the worse, I already messed up my notes and once I was unwillingly browsing screenshots deep inside the store. I do NOT have super-sensitivity turned on, which points me to question, how does it even possible. I'm thinking about wearing the phone by the screen out, not towards my leg as I do now. I haven't tried yet though.

One might thought sliding up the lockscreen would be enough, but it's not, obviously. Is there any app that could enhance the basic behaviour like with gestures? WP only offers pin code, which also gives additional security (which I'm start to thinking about like something I should use anyway), but I'm worried I could exceed the number of tries inside my pocket and lock myself out of the phone.


Lumia 720, WP 8.0
you must have enabled double tap to wake which wakes your phone whenever you double tap anywhere on your screen. to turn this off , go into phone settings/touch/wake up. Also its safe to enter a password on your windows phone (always remember the password , if you didn't there isn't any way to recover the phone , restore will be the last option )
I do not have double-tap wake up enabled, as I do not set the high sensitivity either. I already mentioned the password, I'm worried I could exceed the number of tries inside my pocket and lock myself out of the phone.
I would suggest you put a password, coz the chances of ur pocket trying passwords and u getting locked out seem pretty slim to me.

Hopefully it won't get that many hits, because if you've entered the wrong password 5 times, the phone will be locked for 1 minute. If you enter another wrong password, it'll be locked for 2 minutes, then 4, then 8, and so on.

Enable double tap to wake. It really will solve all your problems
Or that, but then again, I'm not sure how the pocket taps works at the first place. I can't be sure there won't be any two taps close enough to unlock the phone.

Well, I guess no app can do anything about that. I think I'll go with the password. It's a bit annoying though. At home I don't need to protect my data or against the unlocks. There is no easy way to turn it on or off, I would have to setup the password all over whenever I leave home. It would be great to have that connected with ringing profile (home=password off / out=on) which is another missing thing.
You're right, that would be an awesome feature.
I hav set my phone to ask for password every 30 min.
It is pretty helpful to me, though for u I suggest to set password everytime

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