I used the visual voicemail reset option on the website which told me that my password had been reset to the last seven digits of my phone number. I entered that several times and that didn't work. Eventually the phone stopped asking for my visual voicemail password all together and i was only able to use traditional voicemail. I went into the store today and they were completely baffled. She did the reset using the system and it said that my password was reset to my entire phone number, but since the phone was no longer asking for a password none of that mattered. She suggested i do a hard reset or take it to the service center about 40 miles away. Alright, rant over. Here is how I got it working.
Called my traditional voicemail
Followed prompts to admin settings
Followed prompts to password
Turned password off
Turned password on
Disconnected (hung up) from my voicemail
Called my traditional voicemail again
(here is the part I had no control over) My voicemail prompted me to reset my password, which I did
The prompt to enter my voicemail password popped up again
I entered this new password and voila- my visual voicemail started downloading.
Remember how I said rant over? Sorry. I had to hard reset my phone about two weeks ago because after following prompts from AT&T to consolidate my contacts. I lost any contact that was not on my Windows account and my AT&T contacts were completely erased for good. After doing this my live tiles stopped updating including emails and texts. It was a pain and not only did AT&T not know how to fix this, they were completely unaware that it was an issue.
Bottom line, I was thrilled to get rid of my iphone and the Windows phone has its positives (not under the giant thumb of the apple anymore), but I've had the same amount of frustration with my new phone just for different reasons. Get it together Windows Phone. Please!