How do I upgrade to 8.1 on a L1520 running 8.1 Beta


New member
Jul 10, 2014
I am running 8.1 Beta on my l1520 and would ro upgrade to official 8.1 and figure I would have to restore my phone to 8.0 first.I am not sure how to do this and wondering if anyone knows what to do
Re: How to Upgrade to 8.1 from L1520 running 8.1 Beta

**Back up all important data to a computer or memory card before starting. It will be lost in the downgrade.

Download Nokia Software Recovery tool and install. Run it, it will ask you to plug your phone in. When it sees your phone there should be a button labelled install (or words to that effect). Press that and don't unplug the phone or anything until it's finished.

There is a more detailed guide somewhere on here but that's the short version.
After you hit go, the phone will restart and the screen will go red, with "NOKIA" in white near the top of the screen and a progress bar. Just let it do it's thing and eventually the bar will fill and the background will go from red to green, then the phone will restart again and you *should* be on the initial set up screen - as if you've switched it on for the first time after taking it out of the box.
When ever I try it says could not read data from selected phone. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong

Make sure your cable is plugged in firmly at both ends. Also, if your system has USB3 (the USB socket will be very blue), plug it into one that isn't blue. Apparently USB3 causes issues with the application.
Thank you for your help and patience with.It turns out one of the USB ports on my PC isn't working for what ever reason that's what was causing the issue with recovery tool.Again thanks for your help and patience !

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