How to switch phones AND move from 8.1DP to 8.1 without recustomizing


Well-known member
May 28, 2013
Okay, I just deleted a page of steps I thought might allow me to go from my current 925 on 8.1DP to a 1520.3 on 8.1 (not DP) without losing my 8.1 customization, etc. But the plan developed several possible forks so I'm just going to ask how I can do this and NOT lose all the customization I've done on 8.1DP.

Some obstacles I see is the 8.1 format restore of my 925 getting wiped if I'm not careful about activating and linking the 1520.3 to my accounts.

I'm thinking I may have to create some throw away Microsoft account just long enough to install 8.1 and Cyan and then do a factory reset, leaving 8.1 and Cyan in place. And then relinking it to my real account (and final 925 restore point).

I'm mostly worried I'll do something in the wrong order so looking for the steps to accomplish this transition regardless what's entailed.

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There's an option to backup your App + Setting which saves your layout and settings.

Settings - Backup
I know. The issue I described is that the 1520 will arrive with WP 8 and will either choke on or ignore the 8.1 customizations and settings from the 925 backup. I need to be able to install 8.1 (not preview) and Cyan on the 1520 without that process causing the 925 backup to be deleted or overwritten before I can install 8.1 and do the restore.
Shame you can't make a backup of the backup.
I think I can protect the 925 backup if I avoid linking the same MS account to the 1520 until after I have 8.1 on it. Basically make a throwaway MS account to use ONLY during the 8.0 to 8.1 update. I just want to be clear on all the other steps so I don't kill the 925 update some time during the process.
I think I can protect the 925 backup if I avoid linking the same MS account to the 1520 until after I have 8.1 on it. Basically make a throwaway MS account to use ONLY during the 8.0 to 8.1 update. I just want to be clear on all the other steps so I don't kill the 925 update some time during the process.

If you're doing the 8.0-8.1 update then you should be able to skip the logging in part - I don't think the update servers check for the presence of an MS account.

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