Xbox music... Even worse after update 1


New member
May 30, 2014
L1520 and downloaded update 1 on The preview and after two days I can honestly say that my Xbox music is even worse... Crashes consistently and I am just want.g any decent music app at this point. Anyone else having these issues?
Yea...same here....but you can use nokia mix the my music tile in mix radio to your start screen and you don't have to use Xbox music...dats what I do..mix radio works butter smooth and has all the options you get using Xbox music
It just kills me that they tout there new features yet the basic music app is horrible. Looks I need to cancel my music pass until they figure it out.
L1520 and downloaded update 1 on The preview and after two days I can honestly say that my Xbox music is even worse... Crashes consistently and I am just want.g any decent music app at this point. Anyone else having these issues?
^This. Now it takes a couple of MINUTES to open the Xbox Music app - before Update 1 the app was actually quite usable. Ironic how they said that Update 1 would bring some more improvements to XBM
^This. Now it takes a couple of MINUTES to open the Xbox Music app - before Update 1 the app was actually quite usable. Ironic how they said that Update 1 would bring some more improvements to XBM

Do you realize that Xbox Music app was last updated on 18th of July, 2014?
If Xbox Music didn't charge me for the time that the app is bad, I would not complain - just like Xbox live gave people on extra week for not being able to login on 3/11, you know.

Exactly... Charging when the app is bad and then gets worse, even after saying update 1 would bring improvements is just ridiculous. I can not even use it to stream in my car anymore, with headphones on it still freezes and at times will not even allow me to access the settings. Don't even get me started on trying to play a playlist from my Xbox music account, that just makes it completely unusable, it cycles songs and never plays.

Of course in a week or two there will be a small update but again it will probably still be frustrating to use.
Problem is, we never got last weeks update and 8.1. Gdr 1 didn't update the app itself. Its now going on 3 weeks since last music update and frankly the issues im now having are pissing me off. And I agree, us subscribers should get some sort of incentive for putting up with this crap. At this point im ready to cancel my monthly sub and move to Spotify.

Also I just checked and last music update was July 18th. Every two week updates my ***...
Per Joe Belfiore:
You all have helped Xbox Music mature from "dev preview" to (almost) 1.0 quality-- here's our team's perspective.
Does not matter. This is the official music player. If they want to beta test, test it at home with their children(though I'm sure we'll end up with a glut of Microsoft developers suddenly having runaway children or faced with child abuse allegations)
Does not matter. This is the official music player. If they want to beta test, test it at home with their children(though I'm sure we'll end up with a glut of Microsoft developers suddenly having runaway children or faced with child abuse allegations)

Joe Belfiore is the PM of windows phone at Microsoft.... So he basically says we are all beta testers...
Does not matter. This is the official music player. If they want to beta test, test it at home with their children(though I'm sure we'll end up with a glut of Microsoft developers suddenly having runaway children or faced with child abuse allegations)
Meanwhile in apple land,.. iTunes Yaaaaaaaaaaay!

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