Bing Rewards outside USA. When?

Jul 14, 2014
This is getting on my nerve! Keeping Rewards exclusive to USA is like giving the middle finger to everyone else who is supporting the platform. I've abandoned everything to join MSFT.

a) Computer: Sold my Macbook Pro to get a Surface Pro 1. Now I have a Lenovo x220.
b) Mobile: Sold my Galasy S2 to get a Lumia 730, and now I've a 1020.
c) Sold my PS3 and got a Xbox One.
d) Paying for Office 365
e) Paying for Xbox Live
f) Paying for Xbox Music Pass

I'm getting great service, of course, but I'm the only one giving, I (and everybody else outside america) am not getting nothing in return. It's not like we are asking for money, but just fair treatment. Microsoft never even said "Listen, you guys are not getting Bing Rewards because of THAT". It's just silence, and that's killing me.

I've sent MSFT a few tweets about it, but I'm not hoping for a reply different from "No plans in the future".

It just kills me that MSFT ask us (specially those who use WP) to trust and embrace the system, and that they are trying to get into the third world or first world countries and we are accepting them, but the icing of the cake, the rewards, is being kept exclusively to USA.

Anyway... Just me letting some steam to go off. Posting it here because no one seems to read the Bing Forum.

Since this is a Ask a Question section, I will ask one.

Do you think BRewards will ever be released outside America? Do you agree with this policy?

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