Apps not running in the background?


New member
Aug 23, 2014
Hey Guys! Somehow ever since I've updated to 8.1 cyan on my 525, email and WhatsApp no, longer run in the background. I've to open the apps to get new messages. How do I fix this?
if you go into battery saver, U'll get a list of your apps. click in to whatever app you want. There is an option to allow app to run in background or not. I put most of mine off. Great way to save on battery. U would need email and whatsapp alright.
Thanks guys! I've checked both my app settings and notification settings both seem okay but somehow the lives tiles are no longer live. I've noticed that all my a apps have not been running in the background. My first ever since I've started using the platform in over 1.5 years ):
Found the issue guys, the setting was in data sense where it was restricting data usage while on roaming. So all I had to do was, go to data sense > settings > restrict background usage while roaming to off :)
Found the issue guys, the setting was in data sense where it was restricting data usage while on roaming. So all I had to do was, go to data sense > settings > restrict background usage while roaming to off :)

Gah I almost suggested that but was just assuming you weren't roaming! Glad you found the solution!

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