Why am I completely unable to log into my Office 365 email account?

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WPCentral Question

Everytime I attempt to login with my Office 365 account (I have attempted about 50 times now; I am NOT messing up the password. It works everywhere else but my Windows Phone Lumia 920) I am unable to. Also, I do not have a basic "Microsoft Account" because my uni changed our former regular Microsoft email accounts into Office 365 accounts, so I cannot even log into my "Microsoft Account" in order to start Cortanna. And I also have no option to delete my Microsoft account because I cannot log into it, so it continuously just says "Attention Needed" and everytime I try to make an Office 365 account and just ignore the normal account it does not take my password that works for everything else but my phone.

I really, really, really hate the Lumia 920 (so many issues like battery dying suddenly, screen perma-locking during calls, dust under front camera, just shoddy work) and will be absolutely overjoyed this November when I go Apple or Android. Everyone that asks me for advice on phones I caution to avoid Nokia Lumias. Honestly, with the type of support I've been getting from Windows and Nokia with this phone I'm probably not going to get any help here, but I figured it was worth a shot.
First, sorry to hear you are having issues. Second, we are a fan community no affiliated with Microsoft, so this isn't "support", we are just trying to help each other, but I will try to offer the most accurate information I can.

The root of your issue is you used a university email for a personal phone. Someone may have a better suggestion, but I would go to outlook.com and make a new email. Backup your phone (copy all the data you can, etc), hard reset and reset up your phone with your newly created email. You can then set up an exchange connected mailbox to your university email so it syncs with your phone. You will lose saved games and such, but I can't think of a way around your issue.

I'm sorry to hear you have had issues, I have not had any major problems with my 928 (other than spiking it onto a cement floor on accident), like all technology, everyone has a different experience. At least you know it won't bend!

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