[Confused] Should I get Lumia 735 or rumored 725?

Dhileepudu Jambula

New member
Apr 13, 2014
Yes, as all of you know that MS has recently released a low end 535 aka 5*5*5...

I wanted to buy 735 and was about to but till I saw the 11.11.2014 ad so decided to just wai for it.

Now once its all done and there was a picture stating that still 1330 and 725 or even 940(???) might be announced pretty soon...

Well, I am not sure of a flagship device as MS might be thinking of it to release with Win 10 but I am bit confused that it might come up with 725 or 1330 with better specs or equivalent to 735(for 725)...

I know 735 is a simple phone but I guess it serves my purpose as a smartphone.

So can anyone suggest me whether I need to wait or just go for 735???
Personally I've only been on flagship Lumias with the exception of the Lumia 720 which I liked.
I think during strategy shifts no phone will be worth while as you don't know what would happen, for example Microsoft starting a new brand prompted a device that is clearly better than Nokia's named products in general and more affordable and that was on purpose.
I think the 735 is a solid device and I would pick it even over the 830 believe it or not and since its cheap I think if a new flagship came out next year you'll still be able to upgrade. :)
The 725 was a stupid myth. There are no more devices till next year

I thought the same for 535 with leaked pics but in the same pic there are different ones which are a bit similar to 1320(1330) and 720(725??).

So just guessing...as Microsoft might not think about a flagship pretty soon but they might release a mid range...
I'm in the same boat as you. So let me tell you how I am dealing with the situation... 535 has everything I want from it except the screen(it has IPS LCD, I wanted to have an AMOLED), BUt apart from that, it looks perfect. My wife has 730(735 in your case), and believe me, it's the BEST Windows Phone I've seen till date..thanks to the mind blowing price. And here's the funny thing...when I researched a bit.. I realised, the 830 is the same internally as the 730, except screen size and display. I made up my mind on the 730..but will mostly now go with the 535. If the display is clear...I am not even thinking about it..
I'm in the same boat as you. So let me tell you how I am dealing with the situation... 535 has everything I want from it except the screen(it has IPS LCD, I wanted to have an AMOLED), BUt apart from that, it looks perfect. My wife has 730(735 in your case), and believe me, it's the BEST Windows Phone I've seen till date..thanks to the mind blowing price. And here's the funny thing...when I researched a bit.. I realised, the 830 is the same internally as the 730, except screen size and display. I made up my mind on the 730..but will mostly now go with the 535. If the display is clear...I am not even thinking about it..
What does the 535 have over the 735? The 735 is better in everyway

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