There is a whole forum for this:
General Microsoft News and Discussion - Windows Central Forums
Please read this advice:
Dear OP... Please take this as kind advice. Many times you have started Poll type or General Discussion topics in Ask a Question. I think you misunderstand the purpose of this section of the board. It is meant for urgent problems and help with fixing devices that aren't functioning properly.
Members have the whole wide forum to post in and make interesting topics for everyone to enjoy. I see that is your desire. Just because you can frame it as question does not mean that Ask a Question is the best fit. Ask yourself... Is what I am posting time sensitive? (Do I need a valid answer within an hour or two if some situation is to be saved and not progress to disaster?) Is what I am posting going to make my device functional where it is not currently able to function? If the answer is not "yes" to any of these, please find a better place to start your threads.
IMHO, by starting your threads in more appropriate forums they will be better. They will endure longer, they will gather more readers, the replies will be greater and more varied... The threads will have greater value than quick click-bait that gets shoved down the page by the fast pace of thread creation in Ask a Question.
And that is another point... Every time someone who is a member posts a "Why is the sky blue" sort of thread here it shoves every question down the page a notch. Every bump of the "blue sky" threads push questions off the front page of Ask a Question. The focus here is HELP. People can't get help if their thread gets ignored, if no one sees it. Few readers dig beyond the first page of a forum.
Someone whose phone is broken, who needs that phone for a lifeline, who has to have that phone back up and running... They had their thread bumped off the front page so that you could ask a general interest question about future events 2 years away. Ask yourself... Does this seem fair?
Yes there are many frivolous questions in this forum. Most are posted by "Windows Central Question" and some assume that is a user who treats this area as their personal posting ground. It is not a single user... It is any unregistered guest and they can not post anywhere else on the board. Hundreds of lurkers dump their questions here daily. They don't have the privilege that you have being able to post to any section of the board. That's why all their chaff ends up here.
Please, and again, consider this friendly advice meant to help you.
Thank You,