How did this happen again? (Hotmail, Live mail, blah)


New member
Aug 25, 2011
So a long time ago, I was able to change my actual email to a different one in hotmail/outlook/whatever. It was before the Outlook takeover. I checked my aliases, it's not an alias. How was I able to do this back then? Was this before Outlook changed everything? I still kept the same account, but now with a different email address. I've had the account since I was 10, but around 14-16 years old, I changed it. I honestly don't remember how this happened. Lol. Help me out here because when I helped my dad make an account, I didn't know what 69 meant (I made emails by birth year back then, I was 10!). I know you can use aliases now, but he gets so much spam and you can guess what kind by the 69 in the email address name.

How were you able to change your email address in hotmail and keep the same account without an alias?
I have not tried, but this could be a solution :
-Create a new Alias
-Make this alias your main adress in the options
-Delete your old adress that became an Alias

Tell me if it works
^^^ Wot GrandGerminator said. ^^^

However, it is my experience that SPAM mail comes to you not based on what address you have, but where you plug it in on the net. Some sites are leaky sieves that get pilfered for email addresses or actually sell them to mail bot houses.

An examination of dad's security settings in his browser might help curtail some of this.

Flush out the cookies and the history. AV scan that c:/ drive.
Thanks. I'll have to try the alias thing. His spam is getting really bad. I might just make a new account for him altogether. I swear there was one point that you could change your email without having to do the alias thing. I guess it's as good as it gets.

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