Ready for a new wp10 build

Josh Keisling

New member
Apr 22, 2014
I've been running build 149 on my Lumia icon since release . It's a great build of course poor battery life, over heating etc...
What I would like to see in the next build at least for my phone and I know it's not going to be perfect because I think we are about 4 or 5 months away from an official release however there are 3 things I'd like to see
1. MMS
2. The ability for me to record video, every time I try to record my camera becomes unavailable until I restart my phone
3. Fix the over heating issues please it's killing my battery.
1. I thought MMS was working a couple builds ago.2. Something's not right, maybe start fresh with the phone?If you havent already, hard resetting the phone will likely help. Also consider using the WPRT to reinstall a clean 8.1 build and upgrade to 10.
I haven't seen that recently though.

It's on Verizon right? Because on non-VZW carriers MMS won't work. Period.

But of course, could be a known issue I missed on the list, etc.
I had 1049 loaded on my ICON on Verizon for a while and MMS worked quite well. I would go to SIM settings and make sure you are using the right wetting. Set it on 4LTE CDMA and see if that helps. It's been a few weeks since I had the ICON do my memory is a bit fuzzy.

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