Should I stay with Windows phone?

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Kevin Mikulaj

New member
Apr 26, 2013
I have had a Windows phone since 2012 and have loved it - even though my HTC pro would not update to WP8. Now it just seams that WP 10 is the forgotten child. People that I talked into trying WP8 are leaving because certain apps are not available or because the phone selection is low end or the one they want is too expensive. I'm trying to justify paying around $700 for a phone & case (950xl) and I can't. I'm afraid to purchase the 950 and find out in a year that my phone won't support all the updates (like my 1020). Feedback would be appreciated.
Bored with these (should i stay or should i go) threads now...lets try to be original please. Who knows what you want better than you? It's your decision and you will do what you want...and in any case it kinda sounds like you have already made your mind up. Good luck.
If you're app centric, you may as well jump to another platform that supports those apps.

Having said that, Windows 10 compatible phones will be supported for a long time - Windows 10 is made to have a far longer life cycle than Windows Phone 7 or 8. Having said that, there may be new features and enhancements that require the use of hardware but that's understandable given the nature of technology and software. That doesn't mean, however, that your 950XL (if you chose to buy one) wouldn't continue to get updates and features that are supported by its hardware).

I've had my 1520 for two years now. It doesn't feel old. At all.
Get the phone that will work for you. If you need apps that are not available on WP, and there are no acceptable workarounds to it, then you need to look into other platforms.
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