Lumia 635 certificate issue


New member
Jul 23, 2014
My Lumia 635 has never had issues, and out of nowhere it suddenly started having what I thought were network issues, but narrowed down to issues with any app or site that requires a login. For example, I can go to CBS's site, but Facebook pops up with a certificate error. Any app that requires a login, I can't do anything with, including my mail accounts and the store, but apps without a login, like, work fine. Even the built in search won't work (with or without Cortana). Spotify was working (I was already using it when I noticed issues), and I wondered if it was causing issues, but an uninstall of that and reboot hasn't fixed anything.
Is there a fix for this?
No screenshots, but basically websites give me the certificate error page, and apps that need sign ins think they're offline, and either say something about network error or just sit there.
That phone doesn't have a SIM card, so just wifi. I may try the SIM when I get home to see if there is a difference.
I was hoping to avoid a reset. Oh well. 😊
You could try another browser like UC or one of the others. The problem may lie with the certificate handling.... which would be the phone.

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