Windows Central Question
when i brought mobile it was automatically updated to windows 10 technical preview and then i have rolled back using recovery tool...once i have tried to update technical preview its also got an error at 44% ,, then now i have tried to update windows phone 10 using upgrade adviser app same thing happening ,error 44% ,, starting with 0% at than time its downloaded about 80 mb , and then 4% - somewhat 150 mb and then 5%,6%,7% , 44% , mean time 7 to 44 its downloaded 250 mb totally 400mb ,, and then THERE WAS AN ERROR INSTALLING UPDATE (801882D1) ,, there is no perfect solution from Microsoft site ,, they said restart and try again.. even i have tried soft,hard reset and also i installed win 8.1 using WPRT ,, nothing use ,, i have searched some forum no one face this kind of problem,,so if any one found this help me
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