Sound problems on L930. Restore?


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Every other day my phone has no alert sounds and sometimes there is only silence to hear during phone calls. My alarm clock doesn't ring every morning.

The short term solution is a simple restart, but I'm wondering if a restore would be of use or if this is a permanent problem with the Lumia 930 or with Windows Phone 10?

I'm asking because I don't want to spend hours setting up everything anew if it's a known issue with either the phone or the OS. As I understand it there is little point in resetting and restoring from a backup and that a full reset is the only way to go?

Yes I know it's a bit of a noob question. :)
I'm not 100% sure but in my small experience, resets do work for this kind of thing.

I have a question though, how long have you had this issue? I haven't had this issue with my Lumia 640, 550, or 950 with Windows 10 Mobile. I'm not sure if this is 930 related or not.
Just out of interest are you running Windows 10 official build or an Insider build?
My Lumia 930 had issues on the fast ring build (not sure of version number but it was about a month ago).
I'm now back on the official builds (14393.448) and do not get the problems you are having.
The only known issue I'm aware of with the 930 is with the microphones, when some do not work.
I got the 930 just after Windows 10 was out and upgraded it right away before starting to use the phone. I was a release preview insider for a while but jumped ship at one point when the official builds caught up. There has been several official updates after that. At least three.

I think the problem started fairly early. I'm not entirely sure anymore if it was always there.
If you haven't performed a hard reset yet then I definitely think it is worth trying.
As libra89 mentioned in post 2, hard resets can fix this type of thing.
And if the fault remains then you possibly have a hardware fault.
Well, the sound may or may not be OK from now on but resetting at this point in time was a huge mistake!

8 of my most used apps have been discontinued since my last restore, less than a year ago, and cannot be reinstalled.

Gone are todo lists with important info, my buss pass (only a few days left fortunately), all kinds of practical things I use. My favorite weather app for instancewas restored but cannot find a new location now. My Shazam Encore captures.

Worst of all, my favorite photos were deleted from OneDrive. I even made a manual second copy to a different folder first to be sure. Also gone. I don't even see how that is possible. I used favorites as visual notes for things like the color code of the paint I need to buy. Took a photo and threw the old paint can out.

Time to jump the Windows ship and get a new phone unfortunately.

Sorry I just needed to whine a bit about this.

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