How stable is latest Windows Phone 10 update for Lumia 930?

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Windows Central Question

Just wondering if I upgrade to the latest publicly available version of WP10 for a Lumia 930 (not Insider program), what issues - if any - do I need to look out for?
Depends on the person. The issues vary widely. Many have no issues, for me, Cortana was broken if I tried to use speech or in various other situations over the builds, over hard resets, etc.

Its usable, but depends also on how much of a stickler you are for quirks. I am a big one so that's half the reason I don't use it. (and also a quarter the reason I dont use webOS right now.)

however, do expect mediocre to poor performance/reliability with Facebook and some other apps. W10M is still less stable than its competitors as well as 8.1. But you do get some features.

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