Phone won't sync! Everything is messed up now.

Christopher Lindsay

New member
May 8, 2014
First my phone wouldn't keep the right date. My phone would show the proper date but the calendar would have another date. I went into the calendar app and I got an "out of sync" error. I click "fix it" and it does nothing to actually fix the problem even though it's saying everything is fixed. I logged out of the account and back in and that fixed the calendar showing the wrong date but now everything else isn't working. I'm still getting the account out of sync error in outlook and in calendar but now I'm also unable to get any emails. None of my contacts show up and other issues. I don't even know what could have caused all of this. Is hard reseting my phone my only option. I've tried soft reset's. I've checked my password and everything Microsoft suggest in It's quick help and nothing works. What do I do?

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I'm sorry that you're having these issues. What happens if you try to add another email address to view in Outlook?

Error 0x80190190. I've had this phone since August and here's the second or third hard reset. I'm so over WP at this point. I did nothing and suddenly I'm having all of these problems. I'm officially looking into getting a new phone.
Error 0x80190190. I've had this phone since August and here's the second or third hard reset. I'm so over WP at this point. I did nothing and suddenly I'm having all of these problems. I'm officially looking into getting a new phone.
That sucks. With the amount of frustration you have been dealing with, I can understand. I wish you the best with your decision.
My phone won't even reset now. Tried to get help from Microsoft and it was the worse experience. Apparently phone support is handled through a third party. That third party couldn't even send me a new phone cause that's done through another third party. this is the second time I've been forced to reset my phone in the last 2 weeks for account syncing problems. As soon I get a new phone I'm selling it for an iPhone. I'm done with ish.

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