Which Podcast App Are You Using?


New member
Dec 14, 2012
I'm currently using the SoundCloud client Audiocloud to listen to podcasts'. I've used others before but they really weren't all that great. What are you using? What's the best podcast app in you opinion?
I've tried several podcatcher apps. One app category that windows phone 8 and WM10 were never short of on options. I use and recommend Grover Pro. A UWP app that is full featured and beautifully designed and just works.

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I used to use iPodcast but recently switched to using Podcast Lounge after increasing instability issues. Two issues I have with PL though

1) Syncing does *not* automatically purge old episodes at all despite being set to do so.

2) Syncing seems to repeatedly re-download episodes of podcasts overnight while the phone is on charge causing my wi-fi usage to balloon from 1GB per month to over 140GB per month! Now set to only sync the feeds *without* downloading (luckily I am on an unlimited broadband package).

One thing I really like is the Smart Playlist feature which is an easy way to check for new unplayed episodes from the last day or the last week (or whatever period suits you). But would like an option to only play only the podcast selected and not to plough on with the rest of the playlist.

(this is on a Lumia 820 running WP8.1)
I used to use iPodcast but recently switched to using Podcast Lounge after increasing instability issues. Two issues I have with PL though

1) Syncing does *not* automatically purge old episodes at all despite being set to do so.

2) Syncing seems to repeatedly re-download episodes of podcasts overnight while the phone is on charge causing my wi-fi usage to balloon from 1GB per month to over 140GB per month! Now set to only sync the feeds *without* downloading (luckily I am on an unlimited broadband package).

One thing I really like is the Smart Playlist feature which is an easy way to check for new unplayed episodes from the last day or the last week (or whatever period suits you). But would like an option to only play only the podcast selected and not to plough on with the rest of the playlist.

(this is on a Lumia 820 running WP8.1)

I found PL to me very stable but if like a newer UI. No doubt It's still great though. I've also used podcast (beta). I like the UI but it's very unstable at times.

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I am a Podcast junkie. Love listening to podcast while working out. I use Podcast + Pro. There might be better ones out there but it's also worked for me.

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