Windows Mobile fast ring build 15007 keeps restarting on

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Windows Central Question

Just installed build 15007 from the fast ring and my Lumia 950 keeps restarting evert few minutes -- even if I'm not doing anything. Anyone else having trouble? Is there a workaround?
On my Lumia 950 here is a list of problems different from above guys.
1. Locking up on some screens, have to take battery out to reset, holding button on side WILL NOT shut down.
2. I am getting texts hear the bell but can't view, also once on text screen it locks up have to reboot w/battery removal.
3. My Window Store App is GONE.
That's all I found SO far. By the way my phone downloaded and installed clean and IS NOT cycling as mentioned above.
Ive updated my l950 with the latest insider build about 4 hours ago. No reboots or freezes. I've read a lot of feedback on constant boots and freezes on Xl as well. May be I'm just lucky? No issues so far.

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It is working flawlessly on my 640XL. I am so glad I dumped the 950XL for the much better 640XL.

W10M is finally seeming like a completed Software with this build

Sent from mTalk
Yes, I have a 950 as well and it is completely unusable. It seems when plugged in to charging that it endlessly reboots. If I unplug it then it constantly hangs/crashes and either automatically reboots or freezes and I have to manually power cycle. This really sucks. Seems with so few types of Windows phones out there they would test better on the flagship ones.

Update: uninstalling the Facebook app improved things somewhat. Now It does not just sit there and reboot every couple of minutes. I can use the phone a little bit before it freezes or reboots. Needless to say, I am not converting any Android/iPhone users anytime soon! :)
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On my Lumia 950 here is a list of problems different from above guys.
1. Locking up on some screens, have to take battery out to reset, holding button on side WILL NOT shut down.
2. I am getting texts hear the bell but can't view, also once on text screen it locks up have to reboot w/battery removal.
3. My Window Store App is GONE.
That's all I found SO far. By the way my phone downloaded and installed clean and IS NOT cycling as mentioned above.
When I finally got to the STORE thru Cortana I ran the "Downloads and Updates" WITHIN the STORE and got 21 UPDATES including the STORE itself and things SEEM much better. I still don't think the NEW app reset thing works.
I finally got to the store THRU Cortana and was able to run "Downloads and updates" from within the STORE "a different update" and got 21 UPDATES and things SEEM much better. I still don't think the NEW app reset thing is working!
On my Lumia 950 here is a list of problems different from above guys.
1. Locking up on some screens, have to take battery out to reset, holding button on side WILL NOT shut down.
2. I am getting texts hear the bell but can't view, also once on text screen it locks up have to reboot w/battery removal.
3. My Window Store App is GONE.
That's all I found SO far. By the way my phone downloaded and installed clean and IS NOT cycling as mentioned above.

I finally got to the store THRU Cortana and was able to run "Downloads and updates" from within the STORE "a different update" and got 21 UPDATES and things SEEM much better. I still don't think the NEW app reset thing is working!
Just installed build 15007 from the fast ring and my Lumia 950 keeps restarting evert few minutes -- even if I'm not doing anything. Anyone else having trouble? Is there a workaround?

On my Lumia 950 here is a list of problems different from above guys.
1. Locking up on some screens, have to take battery out to reset, holding button on side WILL NOT shut down.
2. I am getting texts hear the bell but can't view, also once on text screen it locks up have to reboot w/battery removal.
3. My Window Store App is GONE.
That's all I found SO far. By the way my phone downloaded and installed clean and IS NOT cycling as mentioned above.

I'm having all those issues and more. I am going to try to get into store and do updates. Will also see if uninstalling FB does the trick. But damn, why is the "flagship" device giving them so many issues?

Tired of being a Beta tester just because they fired all theirs.

I also don't want to have to reset my phone, because I really shouldn't have to.
I have exactly the same problem on my Lumia 830. It restarts after about 2-3 minutes. I have had to remove the battery to stop the cycle of rebooting. I tried turning off the switch to "Let apps run in the background" - this didn't help, because it seems to turn back on every time the phone reboots...

I'm going to try removing the Facebook app - as suggested in this thread.
UPDATE: Removing the Facebook app (the official one) has allowed my phone to stay up for the last 5 minutes. It's also actually responsive - previously it was clearly 'busy' doing something. I'm not pronouncing it solved yet, but at least the phone is no longer completely bricked. Wow. That's hours of my life I won't get back...

I would also like to try rolling back to the previous version. Is that possible?

Full reset of phone will be my last resort...
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My phone is now problem free for at least 2 hours after removing facebook and WhatsApp.
After that I simply reinstalled both apps.
I had to do a extra reboot for the WhatsApp installation to be able to succeed, but after that I do not experience any more freezes followed by a reboot (also called crash.....:devil:)
I have the same issues on 950XL. I literally cannot believe that they didn't test that software, at least on their so called "flagships" to ensure that the users have a smooth experience. Right now I feel like I'm not Beta, but Alpha tester. My phone had issues with self reboots long time before, where it would just freeze and then reboot, or simply reboot upon unlock, when I take a picture, when I take a video, when I open something....every time - reboot, reboot, reboot. I wrote at least 20 feedback messages about this issue and nobody looked into this and it clearly looks like nobody gives a damn either. This has been going on for months now.
Today's update literally killed my phone. It's almost unusable. I cannot make calls I cannot do anything. From time to time it's a bit more stable, like now it hasn't rebooted for an "entire hour" (yay?), which is amazing.
I think I've suffered long enough, as soon as the new Nokia phones come to European market, I'm switching. I hate Android, but at least it will be a usable device. The brick in my pocket right now is not.
This phone/OS is a freaking disgrace! With each update they pushed, I was hoping for something better, and with each one it has gotten worse and worse and worse. Every time I unlock my phone I'm 90% sure it will reboot, just like that. Absolute junk!
I've been a WP fan and defender since WP7, but no more. There are limits to everything and mine have been reached. I just hope I'll be able to get rid of this thing and get at least some money for it.

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