Why shouldn't I drop Windows Phone

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I have used Windows phones since they first came out. In the first instance because it was new and second because it wasn't Android or iPhone. Metro and even 8.1 were great operating systems that were fast on low and medium cost phones. It never crashed and worked just about faultlessly for 2.5 - 3 years. Then along came 10. This has been my bug bear. It is slow, appears more complex, and buggy. The earphones, music, calls thing just doesn't work. I have had to re-install 10 several times to get it working again and even then not 100%. Email is buggy and slow too. Apps crash more regularly so much so that I can't see any reason to stick with it. The lack of Apps isn't a reason for me to leave the operating system. The phone has everything I need and other actions can be done via the browser if needed. I've tried to give it as many chances as I can but the experience is now painful on my 650. So if anyone can give me a good reason to stay I'd really like to be convinced - you'll be pushing on an open door.....otherwise I feel that Microsoft is losing the battle hand over fist at the moment.
First and foremost, it's a phone. Get a phone that meets your needs. If you need to turn to Internet strangers to convince you to stay with a platform that doesn't meet your reliability needs then you should at least test drive something else. The future prospects or cool feature or two of a platform aren't usually worth sacrificing in the short-term when it comes to phones.
W10M slow ring was stable enough for me on my L532, but too many bugs for the L640 on fast ring. Being required to rollback to 8.1 to return the 640 to the slow ring, I actually decided to stay on 8.1, and unless required to maintain support for Skype in the future, plan to stay on 8.1 indefinitely. My only suggestion is use an older phone on 8.1, and sell the 650 which is not even a real upgrade to the 640. It seems the platform lost 2 years of growth with Microsoft starting from scratch again. I started out on 8.0 and still use the L521 that's now 3 years old. WP isn't dead, not as long as 8.1 meets my needs.

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