Rod Lloyd
It sounds like you have double copies of everything, one in google drive and one in onedrive.
First, in your icons near the clock, bottom right, it might need to be exposed clicking the little ^ icon... look for the onedrive cloud icon, right click that and goto settings.. Make sure you're on the "Account" tab, second tab, just to the right of the settings tab. Click on the "choose folders" button. Uncheck sync all folders option, or uncheck all the folders. You want to get all the onedrive stuff off your computer.
Give it a moment while onedrive syncs and removes files from the onedrive on your computer.
when done goto onedrive.live.com, log in... open your google drive folder on your computer, and drag everything to the web browser onedrive. or if you know which ones you need then drag only those ones.
When it's done, find the google drive icon like the onedrive icon and I guess find a way to disable syncing on google drive folders... when you know you have no more google drive folders stored locally, turn onedrive folder syncing back on.
Hope that helps