Lumia 950 XL WiFi issues


New member
Dec 20, 2016
Guys I have a L 950XL. For some reason the WiFi will work properly only when bluetooth is also switched on...what could be the issue?? I have done all updates and even all apps are up to date...Im not on the insider program btw...jus installed the regular phone updates
That's a strange issue. And you're positive Wi-Fi only works properly when Bluetooth is turned on as well? Does Bluetooth have to be connected to anything or does it just need to be turned on? Will Wi-Fi not work at all or just slow or hit and miss? Have you tried soft resets? Hard resets? Hopefully a factory reset shouldn't be necessary.
Zachary, thanks for the reply. It works properly when bluetooth is switched on and not connected to anything ( I don't have any BT devices). I haven't tried resetting the phone. Will it erase my data ? I've got a lot of important stuff on my phone. Thanks.
Just now tried a soft reset. It wouldn't work. Videos won't load at all when I'm using WiFi alone. Webpages are also slow to load, as is Cortana. She won't even connect to the internet most of the time.
I have a 950 and my WiFi works without Bluetooth also having to be turned on. I'm on Insider build 15228. If it helps, my settings are as follows:

In Settings > WiFi > Manage known networks > [Click on Router Name] > Properties I have:
Connect automatically when in range turned to "On",
Random hardware addresses "Off",
Metered connection "Off" (but this is because I have unlimited data plan),
Proxy "None".

In Settings > WiFi > Additional settings I have ALL options turned "off".

I'm certainly no IT expert and don't expect any of this to work, particularly as you indicate it works when Bluetooth is on, but:
Have you tried to forget the network and then reconnect to it?
Have you turned your router off and on again?
Have any wires come loose from the router?
Is there any external antennae on the router which may have been knocked?

Sent from mTalk
My Lumia 950 loves to randomly drop WiFi connectivity on my home network, but this behavior doesn't appear to have anything to do with Bluetooth. This is an unfortunate and VERY ANNOYING issue you're facing. I wish I had an answer. :cry:
The router works just fine. I have an android and an iphone, and both of them work fine without problems. Also, I have tried forgetting and reconnecting, soft reset + reconnecting and a lot of other combinations. Maybe I have to change something in the router settings?? Im a terrible noob when it comes to that :' . Hoping someone else had the same problem and solved and came across this post...
My router works just fine with my Android phone, its the Lumia that's giving me the headaches:' . Hoping someone had a similar issue, solved it and came across this post...
Sounds very much like you have an unusual issue. There are 3 solutions, none of which you will like. First, a hard reset. This will lose your data. You can back up files to a PC, to Onedrive or to an unencrypted SD card first. Next would be a full factory reset via a reflash using a PC and the recovery software from MS (instructions all over the forums here). If you still have issues this must be a hardware issue, possibly aerial related? Basically, get it fixed by MS or (shudder...) B2X.
What does a hard reset do ?? Does it revert back to factory defaults ? Will all the Windows updates I've done be gone ?? I'd hate to go back to the very first build, where actually nothing worked...
Windows updates will remain, but your settings and apps will be wiped. The OS, with all updates, will revert to a fresh install state. If you have backed up, the backup can be restored but that is far from 100% of your settings.
Seeing something similar. Cortana "always" complains that she cannot get to the internet, various errors messages. Onedrive has will not connect to upload photos, even manually, "We couldn't connect to OneDrive. Try again." My Bluetooth setting do not appear to help anything. Wi-Fi works fine for other things. Not sure when this started, but it has been failing for over a couple months. I just thought, it was a problem with an insider build. Have you had any luck with Hard Reset. 950XL insider 10.0.15235.
No I haven't done a hard reset :(
Just living on with the issue. Ive done all the updates but none of them has solved the problem. I also have some small weird bugs from time to Cortana not opening, apps slowing down etc., Also, for some reason, the multitasking screen just shows one window at a time =[ . Im not an insider btw.
I had a strange experience with my L720 suddenly stop recognising the house WiFi.

I had been using the same wireless router for almost a year. I did soft and hard resets, even WRT. It did not have any problem recognising other hotspots. Neither did other phones have problem with the house WiFi.

I found out that people from the telephone company came to the house several weeks later and changed some settings on the router. Viola, WiFi connection problems disappeared.

Just saying, sometimes the problem/solution are not that obvious

... !
Hi guys, i have facing problem on my lumia 950 xl phone wifi. when i connected to my wifi its stay 10 to 15 minutes after that phone was connected to wifi but facebook, Instagram, twitter or edge content can't load properly. sometimes its show 'No internet connection'. I've hard reset but nothing happend.

Any ideas? Please help.
Hi, friend

Even i had same problem with Lumia 950XL. WiFi of my mobile randomly get drop anytime and i try reboot mobile phone in order to solve problem of WiFi. Once I reboot Lumia 950XL manually, WiFi will connect to network without any problem. But when I return from being away from the wife network it is giving same problem. so I guess reboot is not a solution.

Frieds please provide effective solution to get my mobile work with WiFi. From past few days I am chewing Mobile Data only because of the phone is not finding and connecting to WiFi regularly..! So please help me to get this jobs done as soon as possible..!

Prashant Mardiya
My lumia 950 also had this kind of problem. My TV is connected to the internet so whenever the internet is down, or something problem, the TV also down. And whenever I connect my Lumia with my home's Wi-Fi, the internet will get limited for no reason. So when TV lost broadcasting, I knew it was my Lumia so I turned the wifi off on my Lumia and the internet will be back again. I don't know why but something 's problem with this phone

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