I have a 950 and my WiFi works without Bluetooth also having to be turned on. I'm on Insider build 15228. If it helps, my settings are as follows:
In Settings > WiFi > Manage known networks > [Click on Router Name] > Properties I have:
Connect automatically when in range turned to "On",
Random hardware addresses "Off",
Metered connection "Off" (but this is because I have unlimited data plan),
Proxy "None".
In Settings > WiFi > Additional settings I have ALL options turned "off".
I'm certainly no IT expert and don't expect any of this to work, particularly as you indicate it works when Bluetooth is on, but:
Have you tried to forget the network and then reconnect to it?
Have you turned your router off and on again?
Have any wires come loose from the router?
Is there any external antennae on the router which may have been knocked?
Sent from mTalk