How do I transfer a playlist from my phone (Lumia 950) to my PC?

Ariel Takom

New member
Aug 9, 2015
I have a playlist that I made while I was bored on my phone and I'm wondering if I can transfer that playlist into my PC. Both my phone and my PC have the same music files (locally stored, not streamed from OneDrive), so I think the playlist from my phone would work as expected on my PC as well.

My PC is running the latest Release Preview build, and my phone is running the latest Fast Ring build.

Any help is appreciated!
If you made it in Groove, it should sync automatically (assuming you're signed in on both devices).

Although, since the music files are local, the list of songs will sync, but won't be playable since the files can't be reached (even if they're the same names, they're still different files).

If you're using a different music app, it'll be stuck in that app unless there's an option to export. Every music player has its own format for playlists.
Not really. A playlist gives precise file paths for each song, per that device. Mobile OS file structure is different from desktop OS.

Now, if you ALL your songs were on OneDrive, there maybe a chance. As the playlist just tell the devices to look for the songs on OneDrive, which SHOULD have the same file structure across devices and thus the same file paths for the music folders and files.

I don't use Groove music on my desktop PC, so you'll have to experiment.
If you have the playlist in Groove, but they're local files, you can move the files to OneDrive and it will automatically update the playlist.

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