What are the number of Windows Phone users?


New member
Nov 1, 2014

So Windows Phone has about %0.1 of the market? A market of 2 billion is 2 million. That sound about right?

What was the most number of Windows Phone users?
What is the current number of Windows Phone users?

I did a search and found some number...and my computer laughed at me...

Mr. V
I cannot pull up these numbers anymore, but awhile ago I found some hard numbers from which total WP users could be calculated. Usually hard numbers were not given.

This was back in WP's peak, but in the US there were 4.5 million users. Around the same time, the US reportedly had 11% of the total WP users worldwide. This would have put the total user base at about 40 million.
I cannot pull up these numbers anymore, but awhile ago I found some hard numbers from which total WP users could be calculated. Usually hard numbers were not given.

This was back in WP's peak, but in the US there were 4.5 million users. Around the same time, the US reportedly had 11% of the total WP users worldwide. This would have put the total user base at about 40 million.

Wow - that did not seem that bad....it's too bad it did not catch on. But I think MS really failed it marketing it.
Wow - that did not seem that bad....it's too bad it did not catch on. But I think MS really failed it marketing it.

I was always looking for hard numbers rather than market share or something, but it's not available. This can apply to iOS and Android as well, not just WP/WM.

However, I do find the 40 million number a bit optimistic. I doubt is was ever actually that high. Here is why I think this:

Not too long before WP's sales dropped to virtually nothing, the all time sales were said to have hit 100 million since WP7's release in 2010. I doubt they sold more than 10 million after that, which would put all time sales at 110 million. Were more than 1/3 of all devices ever sold in use at one time, and this well before sales hit 100 million? I doubt it!
IDC had to slash the Windows Phone predictions once again, to 7 percent of total market in 2018, because of the slow growth. As of the third quarter of 2013, Gartner reported that Windows Phone holds a worldwide market share of 3.6%, up 123% from the same period in 2012 and outpacing Android's rate of growth. MYBKExperience
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