Sorry to say, new Phone will be D.O.A. Moly X1 rebrand...ouch!

But when the specs are the same if not lower than the phone we got two years ago...

A small manufacturer cannot get into a spec war. This not about you or me, this is about "us". A WM fan is trying to play a small part in keeping the platform viable. If its successful, maybe the next phone will be better.
If you want better specs buy an Idol4s or X3.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
And also again. It's not about specs in the first place even though the phone has a decent set of them.
Chasing specs is not what this device is about anyway.
It never was with WP. But then all of a sudden Nokia drops the 1520 with the SD800 and 2GB of RAM, Samsung matches with the Ativ SE and HTC ups the ante with the SD801 on the M8. It's been a free-for-all ever since and even loyalists have gotten caught up in the spec arms race. I remember having the Alcatel Fierce XL and noting how much better it ran with a SD210 than the L640 with its SD400. To paraphrase Bill Clinton "it's the RAM stupid".
Now it is about RAM yes. Used to not be that way, and for the most part still really isn't. Unlike Android. iOS sure as heck ain't. As soon as it goes 64bit then it'll definitely be that way. However we have no play in how W10M is optimized from our end. I bet it has tons of room for it but Microsoft has not opened up that door yet from my perspective.
It never was with WP. But then all of a sudden Nokia drops the 1520 with the SD800 and 2GB of RAM, Samsung matches with the Ativ SE and HTC ups the ante with the SD801 on the M8. It's been a free-for-all ever since and even loyalists have gotten caught up in the spec arms race. I remember having the Alcatel Fierce XL and noting how much better it ran with a SD210 than the L640 with its SD400. To paraphrase Bill Clinton "it's the RAM stupid".
Interestingly if you think about it, up until W10M, you're right it really was not. Then came along the concept of continuum, which opens up a whole new can of worms.

PS. glad the the OP is allowing room to veer off track here ??????
I'm not really surprised at the specs. And I know a lot of people here love the mid-range phones and competitive price more so than the specs. But I was kinda expecting they would come to the table with something other than an existing feature to stand out.

Where I work, there's a lot of excitement about Samsung DeX. My whole company is talking about it. Acting like that kind of thing is brand spanking new.

People will pay attention when Apple or Samsung do something. Even if the tech has been around and done long before by MS. That's just how the marketing machine works. People aren't paying attention to Continuum.

The only exception is that businesses don't listen to the machine as much, and are willing to hear out MS and likely WhartonBrooks, especially if the price is right.

But I will say I am a bit let down by the unveiling. I'll contribute to support the cause, but I think it's an uphill battle, and the indigogo goal is definitely high. It will not be easy to reach. It's just hard to tease disruptive technology as like your ace in the hole when it's tech that's been out for a while already and still no one knows what it is.

Which hurts me to say. But where I work I see the reality every day. No one cares what MS has to say. It makes it harder for companies like WhartonBrooks to tout their MS-operating devices to run on an MS platform on mobile.

People listen when Apple speaks. Or Samsung. But no one pays attention to MS things. Even with Windows 10. Even though Windows 10 is a big success, no one pays attention to what makes it good. Just wanting to get away from the Windows 8 experience.

Again, it hurts to say. Because what MS was doing was, and usually is, 5 years ahead of the pack. But no one listens. Then someone else comes along and does it as well and the world rejoices and rides their wave instead.

I can't tell you how many times I've told coworkers and customers about the amazing things Microsoft and other companies that use MS software are doing. And they might like it. But they still choose something else. It hurts me to say. But I also try to see their side as well. Windows 10 is not as fleshed out as Android or iOS. And not largely supported (we don't need to talk about it because we all know that sort of stuff already). As a longtime Windows phone user, I use an Android phone now. Even though I still talk up Windows phone a LOT. I also can't deny Android makes my life easier right now. I miss not being able to see and answer my texts from my computer. I miss the easy syncing features and consistency across desktop and phone. But the apps and reliability of the OS is hard to ignore. I gotta give credit where it is due. I like the frequent updates and Windows 10 on my phone has been so incredibly buggy on public releases (not Insider builds).

I'm not going to go on and on. I'm sorry for the rambling. But you know the story.

I really want WhartonBrooks to succeed. The industry needs more players in order to keep everyone pushing harder and innovating faster. And the team is likeable. I can tell they are awesome people. And I want local business to do well.

And if they gave me the phone to sell in my store, you bet I'd talk it up big time. Honestly, the ball is more so in Microsoft's court than WhartonBrooks. I guarantee you if a local business in CT made an Android phone, everyone would jump on it immediately to push. Because they are one of us. Even if they came from another state. I'd push a small underdog company wanting to make a splash, versus the big conglomerate. And I know others would as well.

But the future of Windows Phone is rocky. I'll admit. Even though we all know the potential. Sometimes good things die. It sucks. I hope MS can pull it off, so it can benefit companies like WhartonBrooks.

Sorry for going on a tangent, guys. I do that. I can't help it. But I haven't posted in a while so I kinda combine my thoughts all at once every few months lol.

So I'm sorry for the rambling! Love you guys and our community.
I was worried that this would be a full on PCphone rebranding and it would come in at $400+. I think they found a clever way to reach $300 and the ScreenBeam is a sweetener at that price.


Sorry to jump in again.....

Where does it list in any of the levels it comes with a screen beam? Maybe I missed something, but each level only lists the phone in the price.

Also just as a side not reaction over on reddit to this is about what I thought it would be....
Sorry to jump in again.....

Where does it list in any of the levels it comes with a screen beam? Maybe I missed something, but each level only lists the phone in the price.

Uhoh did @Jason Ward misspoke? @mistagreg needs to clarify?

I got it from the front page article so it's been in my mind since that point. The screenbeam needs to be included and advertised!

[h=2]Where, when and how much?[/h] That's the $64,000-dollar question. Per Murphy, the Cerulean Moment can be purchased for $299 which includes a free Actiontec StreamBeam streaming stick. Will fans deem $299 for a mid-range, Continuum-enabled phone with 3GB RAM, 32GB of expandable storage, a 5MP front-facing camera, 13MP rear shooter, a reported all-day battery life and a streaming stick, a win or a loss?

At $299, is the Cerulean Moment a buy or a pass?
I think it's a good price point, but I'm just one person. Candidly speaking, given the state of the platform anything more than $300 would likely be balked at. The free Actiontec streaming stick is a nice bonus. I think.
No USB C and only wireless Continuum, there is no way this can even hope to stand a chance vs an Idol 4S or even the Acer Jade Primo
I agree. I had decent hopes that this would be something different. Also a glass back?? Wonder what they were smoking. I'll bet there are no front speakers either.

Was recently on a conf call and the $500 conference phone died. My coworker pulled out her Iphone 7splus and called in. The four of us couldn't hear so I swapped in my X3 with the front speakers. So much better.

Sent from mTalk
I agree. I had decent hopes that this would be something different. Also a glass back?? Wonder what they were smoking. I'll bet there are no front speakers either.

Was recently on a conf call and the $500 conference phone died. My coworker pulled out her Iphone 7splus and called in. The four of us couldn't hear so I swapped in my X3 with the front speakers. So much better.

Sent from mTalk

I'd of loved Type-C. I'll be honest. Hopefully on the next Cerulean model.

As for the glass back... The original W5 frame that they are using had the same configuration except it was a clear plastic sheet over the back. It seems to be tough plastic, but I'd rather have glass. My impression is that a glass back actually serves a purpose in heat dissipation. This glass should be 2.5D with that subtle bezel to the edge, but otherwise flat. It would have the same chance of breaking as a screen. I know you lament your son's Galaxy having a broken back glass very soon after purchase. There are always cases and screen protectors. I'm planning to use Liquid Glass on mine, front and back to add 9H hardness and repel fingerprints. They went with GG3 which I believe is not as scratch resistant as GG4, but less prone to breaks.
I gotta say I really can't see value here, and I don't wish to dump on a company when they are just starting out. However something is just not sitting right with me, and I can not stay quiet.....

Why crowd fund and not seek Venture capital?

Add the hype WB and it's press info in the past has said they were going to deliver big new tech, and even one of the lines on the Moment Page is not directed to people with a knowledge of todays tech......( I will bold the part I take issue with)
We are proud to announce the Cerulean Moment. Our new modern personal computer that is in a category all its own.

HP X3, Alcatel Idol 4S, Lumia 950/950 XL, Acer Jade Primo, and Moly W6

This phone does nothing the above listed can't do and more even as they all have an extra this does not....USB C for a wired Continuum. How is it in a class of it's own????

Now that aside for a second, I'm in Canada and to support this at the MSRP level $299 US, thats $400.51 CND also add in 4+ Months wait time ( if the goal is reached).

As of right now, today, I could order from the Microsoft Store an Acer Jade Primo for $599 CDN and 3 days max wait shipping. Pop the box sign in, put the phone into production release ring and be updated to latest and greatest. Now if at any point Microsoft holds a sale and the price gap closes.........

I haven't even really looked hard yet into the W6 ( if it's on the Market as an import), however I can't see a big price gap there.

As I said I wish them luck, but based of there first phone offering and gut feeling I gotta pass. I can't see this working out. And I am not one who take pleasure in seeing a Windows Phone fail......I just think they should have looked for Venture Capital to start.
@Greywolf1967 You don't need to back this specific device but can definitely back the company with a donation of your choosing. We'd get a million easy if every one backs a buck :)

The exchange rate while sucks (I'm Canadian too) is honestly not their problem, they need to pick a number that will work for them going forward. Everything for us will be more expensive and only way we'll get a break in pricing is for mass production.
You're point about Acer Primo is good, but Acer has been pretty silent about it since release, the hope is that Cerulean will be able to deliver us better support.

First and foremost, they need help to get even a chance to show they are for real.

Otherwise we can just stay status quo and say well Microsoft is not listening, trying hard enough, not investing in mobile complain complain
Those aren't $300 specs maybe 150-200 that's the problem

Sent from Idol 4s
@Sedp23 $150-200 specs for mass produced run I suppose. They're only trying to get 4000 built... Suppliers only care to satisfy the large orders. These small orders barely affects their bottom line so they're going to make sure it's worth their time to even entertain and dedicate supply for Cerulean.
Those aren't $300 specs maybe 150-200 that's the problem

Sent from Idol 4s
Actually it is. The Vaio Phone Biz is pretty close in specs priced around 400 US if you are lucky, and it is not even compatible (LTE or 3G) in our regions.
Smaller storage though, might have one other feature not listed for the moment, but who cares the point of the OEM maker taking this on is what you are investing in.
Why crowd fund and not seek Venture capital?

Reread the Jason Ward article. A major backer pulled out just as they had finalized what the first phone is to be and they were forced to go to crowdfunding so they can place an order with the ODM. said:
I began working on this story nearly four weeks ago. During that first week, Murphy felt that the phone's announcement was imminent. Unfortunately, a problem with the phone prevented the company from moving forward, and consequently, both the announcement and this story were delayed.

As Murphy pressed forward, he hit another roadblock the following week. His intent was to make the phone available for preorder and begin distribution through online retailers after the initial shipment arrived in a few months. A key investor informed him that he wants to see more traction. This shift necessitated a change in Murphy's plans. Without this investor, WhartonBrooks is unable to begin production of the first run of phones.

As a result, Murphy was disappointed to share that WhartonBrooks will be crowdfunding the initial order to cover production costs as well as the expenses associated with acquiring this first shipment. He is very cognizant of the failure of other crowdfunding efforts and shared that he did not want to have to go this route. As a fan, an industry watcher and someone close to the Windows phone fan community, I shared my own reservations and doubts about crowdfunding a Windows phone.
I haven't even really looked hard yet into the W6 ( if it's on the Market as an import), however I can't see a big price gap there.

If you could import a PCphone... It never released as Moly that I can find. The two direct rebadgings would not work for Canadian carriers and costs more.

Moly PCphone... first started showing almost a year ago as the Madosma Q601 and the Funker W6.0 Pro2.

Research I have done had the Madosma running at ¥49800 or ~ $450 USD and the Funker retailing at €379.90 or ~ $410 USD. Neither of those seem to be currently available on their respective "manufacturer" site.

A very similar one (with only 8MP main camera is the Lenovo/Softbank 503LV). A phone made for Japan and perhaps India(?) that likely would not cooperate well with Canadian carriers. Price info is sketchy at best. One Indian site stating it would debut at ₹14,999 which is $231.14 USD. However, I cannot find anywhere that actually went on sale in any country. You would also have to assume Lenovo would have ordered more than 4,000 units for a better price per unit cost...

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