Cortana offline commands


Active member
Jul 29, 2013
Cortana voice commands works offline, and these are some (few) of what I discovered so far she will do when not connected to the Internet.

1. Call mother (or father, or brother or sister or wife, or any alias like boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.) or Call (contact)

If mother is not yet defined, she will get you through a series of steps to let her know which contact and contact number of your mother.

2. Play (artist or song or genre)

I said 'Play Hinder' and Xbox music started playing Hinder in my music collection.

3. Show reminders

She opens up Remind me app.

4. Open (application)

I said 'Open maps' and she listed Maps, HERE Maps, map settings and I said 'map settings' and settings screen was displayed.

5. Play video

Opens up the video player

6. Stop music

Will cause music to be paused.

7. Next track

Plays next track

8. Previous track

Plays previous track

9. Turn on/turn off Wi-Fi

10. Turn on/turn off bluetooth

11. Turn on/turn off flight mode

12. Go to [setting]

You can can Go to brightness, and it will bring up the Brightness setting.

If you have found other commands recognized in offline mode, please share them.

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I have no answer for that experience. If of any help, my Region is United States, Language is United States (enabled), Filipino (available)


I should have made the title 'offline voice commands'
How are you guys getting this to work? Cortana does nothing for me offline.
I was just about to post something similar, it really annoys me that there is no offline functionality to her yet and the need to always have location on to use her bugs me, I can understand why you'd need a connection and gps for some things to work but there should really be an amount that she can do without a internet connection or location on, like just calling a contact or playing music through an app.
Cortana voice commands works offline, and these are some (few) of what I discovered so far she will do when not connected to the Internet.

1. Call mother (or father, or brother or sister or wife, or any alias like boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.) or Call (contact)

If mother is not yet defined, she will get you through a series of steps to let her know which contact and contact number of your mother.

2. Play (artist or song or genre)

I said 'Play Hinder' and Xbox music started playing Hinder in my music collection.

3. Show reminders

She opens up Remind me app.

4. Open (application)

I said 'Open maps' and she listed Maps, HERE Maps, map settings and I said 'map settings' and settings screen was displayed.

5. Play video

Opens up the video player

6. Stop music

Will cause music to be paused.

7. Next track

Plays next track

8. Previous track

Plays previous track

9. Turn on/turn off Wi-Fi

10. Turn on/turn off bluetooth

11. Turn on/turn off flight mode

12. Go to [setting]

You can can Go to brightness, and it will bring up the Brightness setting.

If you have found other commands recognized in offline mode, please share them.

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Cortana offline is broken in Windows 10 (mobile)
Cortana offline is broken in Windows 10 (mobile)
I don't think it's "broken"; the diminished offline functionality seems to be by design.
CU was touted as sporting a significantly improved Cortana, but we have ended up with something vastly inferior to the AU version.

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