for me is a 50/50 chance for working, and I use it by pressing the search buttonOriginally posted by rusty502
I occasionally have problems with Cortana through Bluetooth, restart usually clears it up.
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It sucks'! Cortana use to work excellent on my 1520 with 8.1 but now on my 950xl it almost never work ... Even Siri works better nowOriginally posted by jeffchapik
Same problem with W10M on my 920. Fully half the time I try to search for something, she just closes up. She has sucked from Day One in W10m, after working well in WP8.1. WTH happened, Microsoft?!?!
Is it because she's much more reliant on the internet now? It seems if you don't have access, she can't do anything.
Originally posted by Felipeicd
I'm I the only one having problems with Cortana? The app is always crashing, it's like flipping a coin to see if it'll work, I thought that the new update will fix that
The thread below is similar but one person brings up Health/Band as a suspect for the crashes. Myself and another user who have multiple devices in the home (one with Health/Band and others without) make for interesting support for the theory.
I experienced the crashes on my 1020 with a preview build and now on a 950 with .218. My wife, who doesn't use Health or have a Band paired, has never had an issue on her 950. Curious if anyone can kill this theory by saying they don't have Health/Band and still experience crashes.