Cortana crashing


New member
Mar 21, 2014
I'm I the only one having problems with Cortana? The app is always crashing, it's like flipping a coin to see if it'll work, I thought that the new update will fix that
I occasionally have problems with Cortana through Bluetooth, restart usually clears it up.

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Same problem with W10M on my 920. Fully half the time I try to search for something, she just closes up. She has sucked from Day One in W10m, after working well in WP8.1. WTH happened, Microsoft?!?!

Is it because she's much more reliant on the internet now? It seems if you don't have access, she can't do anything.
Originally posted by jeffchapik
Same problem with W10M on my 920. Fully half the time I try to search for something, she just closes up. She has sucked from Day One in W10m, after working well in WP8.1. WTH happened, Microsoft?!?!

Is it because she's much more reliant on the internet now? It seems if you don't have access, she can't do anything.
It sucks'! Cortana use to work excellent on my 1520 with 8.1 but now on my 950xl it almost never work ... Even Siri works better now
Same here on my 640 was actually debating on hard resetting to fix it. It's really ******* me off

Sent from mTalk
I started having issues about 2 months ago on my lumia 950. I tried a factory reset, but that didn't help. I too use it by pressing the search button.
i'm really getting tired of doing a hard reset for evey problem on the pone, i loveW10M but is really getting harder and harder to keep loving it with all this bugs
Originally posted by Felipeicd
I'm I the only one having problems with Cortana? The app is always crashing, it's like flipping a coin to see if it'll work, I thought that the new update will fix that

Yeah, its ****ing annoying...I open it with the search button too and it almost always crashes the first time I open it for a new search...i expected the new update to fix it but no...its driving me nuts
My 920 with W10M also had issues with Cortana but worked perfectly on 8.1. Got a 650 with W10M and it works perfectly...
Mine was working great at first, but after the .164 update it just started to fail allmost every time, i was hoping that .218 will fix that
The thread below is similar but one person brings up Health/Band as a suspect for the crashes. Myself and another user who have multiple devices in the home (one with Health/Band and others without) make for interesting support for the theory.

I experienced the crashes on my 1020 with a preview build and now on a 950 with .218. My wife, who doesn't use Health or have a Band paired, has never had an issue on her 950. Curious if anyone can kill this theory by saying they don't have Health/Band and still experience crashes.
Ok so I'm not the only one. On average it takes about 3 tries to get her searching without crashes. And even then I have to worry about her actually loading my results or just showing a blank page.

Win10M is such garbage I wish I had grabbed an iphone instead till RS1 comes out.
Same issue on my 950. Since I downloaded the new update, Cortana crashes literally every other time I try to use it
Changed all my region and language settings from Canada to USA and it works perfectly now.
Having the same problem. I have to search twice for everything because it always, and I literally mean always, crashes the first time. It always works the second, but never the first. Also, the music search function is not working worth a darn. Before, it would be able to identify darn near anything. Now, the last 5-10 searches I have done have come back with nothing.

Guess we need to pound the feedback app.
The thread below is similar but one person brings up Health/Band as a suspect for the crashes. Myself and another user who have multiple devices in the home (one with Health/Band and others without) make for interesting support for the theory.

I experienced the crashes on my 1020 with a preview build and now on a 950 with .218. My wife, who doesn't use Health or have a Band paired, has never had an issue on her 950. Curious if anyone can kill this theory by saying they don't have Health/Band and still experience crashes.

I have a Band 2 and Health but Cortana doesn't work on the Band at all (might be related to language). Also, I've had the Band 2 since day 1 of my 950 XL and frankly, this whole Cortana crashing crap just started a couple of months ago. It's really annoying to see it crash while invoked, over and over.

Also what's weird is that I get the same unreliability in my PC, which makes me think this is beyond a mobile issue. Could it be related to the backend??? I swear it used to work perfectly on both mobile and PC before the last two or three non-insider updates.

I'm really pissed off at this. Today's update (.318) DOESN'T FIX THIS IN EITHER.
I got their Twitter support to reply, which they do immediately, but when they asked for me to try unsyncing the Band 2, I tried a baseline test with everything hooked up as usual and 10/10 times it didn't crash (of course).

I had to tell them to forget it for now because I have no rhyme or reason for the crashes. I was hoping they'd see all these people in threads having issues and look into it more, but that was wishful thinking. I understand they have things to do but I also don't have time to be testing to maybe get their attention enough to look into a broader issue. I don't get the impression Twitter support has a lot of communication with those that might be able to fix anything anyway so I was probably barking up the wrong tree.

It still crashes and I'm not optimistic of it being addressed anytime soon.

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