Swipe navigation, WHEN?


New member
May 4, 2012
So does anyone know when Edge will get swipe navigation?

It's driving me nuts, having to use the forward, back buttons all the time.I know that it's high on the feed back for the most votes.

But the question remains, WHEN?!?
Yeah, I'd like this too. I'm trying to find out, but might get the same response of "we're tracking feedback"....
I've had feedback from a contact in the Edge team. It's a top feedback item for them and they're working on it. No word on timescales though.
I've been wondering about this since I upgraded. That was the only reason I used Internet explorer...
I think gesture input will come with the first big update for Windows 10 which is rumored for oktober/november isn't it?
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I really hope that they roll it out soon. I want to go back to W10, but I just can't till at least this feature is available.
So poking the big "back" button in the browser is so difficult that you can't use the operating system?
Yep. What can I say, when they take 2 steps back from what was working, easier to go back to what works.
Yes, because that 'little back button' is only 6-8 millimeters square in the farthest corner of the 8 inch screen. That's an annoyingly small target for anyone who doesn't have tiny little toddler fingers.
So... does anyone have any new insider information as to when gesture/swipe navigation is coming? End of October, November, maybe?
Exactly! And for me it's also usually a farther reach. I'm often using my Surface Pro 3 at my desk which my hands resting on the surface as I work and read on the screen. I had gotten into the habit of having one hand close to the screen. To go back I could just lift a finger and flick. Now I have to raise my whole arm to touch that back button.

The thing that really kills me is that writing a software routine to respond to a gesture by executing the back button action, is just a few lines of code. Therefore, Microsoft doesn't have a way to detect/process the gesture and call this routine, or Microsoft is purposefully withholding the feature. But I find it really difficult to believe the first horn of this dilemma. Microsoft has written plenty of code for detecting gestures; if not yet in Edge, then most definitely in other products proven by the fact that those products handle gesture input.

So now my question is, am I just missing some options, or can you tell me why MS is withholding the back gesture?
Still waiting on this as well. Maybe it'll come in the next big update? Are there other browsers that support this type of feature?

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