Edge and keyboard shortcuts... what's wrong?

Spyros P

New member
Jan 14, 2014
In general the upgrade path to Windows 10, starting from a W7 machine that went to W8 and then to W8.1 wasn't very smooth, but in the end, I have a fresh installation of Windows 10 on my box (for the record, I had to resize the system partition but the message to do so was cryptic and I had to download a third-party repartitioning tool, I wasn't given the chance to preserve my apps because setup decided to change my default language and then informed me that I can't preserve my apps due to the different language settings and, finally, even though the installer assured me that there were no compatibility problems with my machine, my scanner is apparently incompatible).

Anyway, this thread is about Edge: Keyboard shortcuts don't work on it. CTRL+T, CTRL+W, CTRL+F... nothing works. Everything works in IE, but the oh so hyped Edge ignores them.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas?

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