Is Bing search in Edge partly broken?

Richard Lapthorn

New member
Dec 24, 2015
For the past few weeks I've noticed that every time I do a search on Edge, either via the quick search bar or the main toolbar and click on any of the suggestions that pop up, I get a Bing error page. If I just press enter and allow a search everything is fine.

For example, if I type in 'IMDB' I see a suggestion pop up for the Internet Movie Data Base website with it's yellow icon, however if I click on it I'm sent to the Bing search page, with an error on it that reads:

No results found for h t t p s : // w w w!pGqNZx578V9wrzWpRmu7gTViRBrU4xpNT3MxoE0SO

I've seen this on three different machines now, all of which are on the Windows Insider fast ring. I installed the latest build 14279 yesterday and the issue remains.

Strangely though I've not seen anyone else mentioning this issue on any forums I've checked on. Is it just me? In which case is it a setting that is getting synced between my machines?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me nuts! :)

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