Chaturbate streaming broken on Creators Windows 10 mobile, all browsers!!

Mike Semblance

New member
Dec 4, 2014
I use the website when working on cars. They play music like a DJ and you can tip them to play your song.

It's broken in wired Continuum on the 55 inch HDTV.
It's broken on the 950XL phone screen
It's broken on my dads 650
The mobile website is broken. (m dot)

I checked all the settings in Edge and cannot find how to fix it.
(I know how to fix it in the PC version of Edge)

Monument, Shiye and UC browser are broken too.

I have no internet out in the boondocks except cellular so this is a real problem.

It's my favorite channel!
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Re: Chaturbae streaming broken on Creators Windows 10 mobile, all browsers!!

So - just to clarify - you use a website intended for "adult webcam" streaming for music when you're working on cars.

Is that right?

Sorry - i don't know what the problem is. Just wanted to clarify.
Re: Chaturbae streaming broken on Creators Windows 10 mobile, all browsers!!

Yes, Some of the broadcasters just play music and chat, and don't get into all that other stuff.

I get lonely out in the boondocks and its nice just to have a female to chat with (or mostly when I'm AFK, just to hear her voice chatting with others) makes me less lonely. We talk about politics, movies, songs, news etc. One broadcaster plays "name that tune". Another one teaches Yoga.
They will also play song requests, if you tip, through some sort of shoutcast type app, so that it comes out of the speakers in high quality stereo.

I think the problem has to do with "flash" but I'm not really sure. In the PC version of creators Edge, you can allow flash for a certain website. That fixes it. I cannot find that toggle on the Continuum version.

The website claims that it will work without flash installed. Iphones and other devices without "flash" work fine, I have heard. I'm all Microsoft here though, and only have internet on the 950XL.

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Re: Chaturbae streaming broken on Creators Windows 10 mobile, all browsers!!

I guess I should add that I also feel this post/problem is relevant because the site is ranked 152 worldwide on Alexa and has 187 million sessions per month. Other Continuum Edge users may be having this problem, but too shy to ask. Also, other streaming websites may be having this problem. I made efforts to post the question in a way that is not offensive or advertising.
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Re: Chaturbae streaming broken on Creators Windows 10 mobile, all browsers!!

No need to defend site usage, the fact that its busted on Edge across the board and not on other browsers is the problem. Not the site in question.

My question is what changed with the update... Maybe something MS did broke it. I would see if the site's support will be of any help because maybe it's a small feature that they use that Edge now/temporarily can't handle.

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