I disagree with your view. MS has been comparing their products with Apple/Google for the last couple of years and it has done nothing for them. MS has zero 'coolness' amongst most consumers and these videos always come off as desperate. Part of what makes Apple marketing so good is that they don't compare their products to anyone else. They are THE product. MS is constantly trying to compare and what's funny is that on the whole WP is inferior to both iOS and Android. If they did a full feature list WP would look silly.
The point I am trying to make is that, this video illustrates very well the usefulness and Contextual awareness of Cortana. It clearly appeals to the general public. For sure Microsoft was trying to appeal using cheap instances like "Modern apps", and I know they talked a lot. Talks are cheap!
Now, they are working on ground to really make a difference (not just to sell).
But considering the recent updates, "Adam deep learning" and its integration with Cortana and Kinetics, Microsoft does not looks like making another mistake. Wearable will crush down without the help of Gesture and Voice recognition, and this is where I feel Siri will go down. Its entire backend is developed by Nuance, and there are lesser chances that Siri API will go public like Cortana and power apps.
The whole bigger picture make me feels that this one small video may be a start of a bigger marketing strategy that takes its roots from a good product. I know it is a lot to expect that a company will just win everything on the basis of UX, but still looks hopeful.