What I want to know is why anyone would get an RT tab like the Vivo Tab for $599 when you can get an Atom tablet with the same 32 GB disk for $499 with the W510. If all RT devices are priced like that, RT will be a total failure. Unless, newegg.com specs are wrong and that is the price for the LTE enabled vivo tab and not a wifi only version, then the pricing is alright.
Even if someone wanted a nicer/better built Windows 8 tab than the W510, the Lenovo Lynx, which has had positive first hands ons, will be $599 and it is an x86 machine. Atom tabs have so far shown good battery life (8+ hours), acceptable performance, and reasonable price ($499-$599). RT has to come in at $299-$399 starting to have any chance at catching on.