[BUG]To all Surface Users (Pro, Pro 2, RT, S. 2) with Touch/Type Covers: please review and comment!


New member
Jul 9, 2012
I found a major bug at using my Surface 2 in combination with my Touch Cover 2:

When having 2 apps in split screen (only in landscape), Windows switches to the same view, after locking and unlocking the device in landscape mode. By unlocking the device in portrait mode, Windows only shows the app that had the focus last and puts it in portrait.

This behavior is disturbed, when using a touch cover:

If you have 2 apps in split screen and lock the Surface by shutting the cover, Windows will return locked in landscape, if you unlock by opening the cover again! Surface will not be able to maintain portrait mode at all, not only in the app, only a restart will detach that lock.

Thats what I experienced with my Surface 2 and Touch Cover 2. I would be interested if other combinations have the same weird bug, especially, whether its only on RT, or on x86 too. Interestingly, the lockscreen still switches between landscape and portrait mode.

- snap on your cover
- open two apps in split screen
- lock by shutting the cover
- unlock in portrait, try to keep it in portrait
- see what happens and share your experiences

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I have an RT with touch cover. I have the cover on, open two apps in split screen in landscape, close the cover, unlock, still have two apps in split screen in landscape.
I have an RT with touch cover. I have the cover on, open two apps in split screen in landscape, close the cover, unlock, still have two apps in split screen in landscape.

Try to unlock in portrait please. Will it go into portrait normally?
My RT with TouchCover does the same, but you can lock to landscape by going to charms → settings → brightness :wink:

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