Anyone one else getting a LITTLE bored with their Lumia?


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Dec 13, 2011
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After years with BB, and 2 with Android, I couldn't wait to get the Lumia. But, after a few months, I have to admit, I'm bored with it. It works great, and I love the design, but it's, it's, it's just a little too buttoned down and inflexible and well, boring.

Anyone else feeling this way?


Apr 16, 2011
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I have used nearly all the phone platforms, and I am always relieved to return to my WP.

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Dec 24, 2011
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Funny I was just thinking the opposite the other day!

I appreciate that for full on tech people the customization of Android is awesome. But for the 90% of us who are not in the category (including the people that say they use Android to customize but added one widget) it seems like WP is an OS that just keeps on giving. Coming from BB and iOS it is such a pleasure to have the phone work fast all the time, and is just so generally reliable. No need to go into the many reasons to love WP, we have all heard it. Now if only I could get my darn alarm clock to always go off. Some day I am going to get in trouble at work haha.

The only boredom I could personally report is more that feeling of "impending upgrade" with WP 7.8 / 8 getting closer and closer. This announcement of phones two months before they will be out is also killing me!


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Sep 13, 2011
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Had my 900 for almost a month and still enjoying it.

Only app I miss is Scramble with friends. But I can still use that app on my touchpad dual booted into android so all is fine.

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Feb 20, 2012
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I don't find I am bored, I have been with WP since it launched and I still love it. Course I change my live tiles about every other day and I use different theme colors everyday to keep it interesting.

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Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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I'm not bored. Then again, I came from BlackBerry. I don't miss: spinning hourglass clock, battery pulls, 5+ minute reboot time, need to reboot after updating apps, "page too large--closing" in the browser, need to shrink the OS.


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Aug 23, 2011
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Anyone else feeling this way?


I think that some of it could be down to how much less time you need to spend on your phone. Before I had a WP I used to have to use different apps to check Facebook, Twitter etc. Now, with it all in one place I find that it saves quite a bit of time.

The biggest dissapointment for me at the moment is that the sum of all the niggly issues are starting to affect my enjoyment of using WP.

Things like the volume being all screwey on the Lumias, the fact that I have the letters back in the apps list and can't get rid of them. The Me tile updates seemed to be crippled for months (and still don't seem 100% to me), and now I'm often seeing that when I check the People Hub it fails to get any updates and I have to manually refresh it. The hand-over from 3G to WiFi and back again is intermittent. I also find my phone getting stuck on a 2G signal and staying that way for days (other people I know on the same network have no problem getting a 3G signal).

I'm not a serial moaner. And mostly I just keep this stuff to myself (especially as the mods here seem eager to swing the axe on any non-pro WP threads ;) ), but I have to say that I'm not liking it half as much as I did when I first got an Omnia 7 and was blown away by how smooth the OS seemed. I replaced my Omnia because I thought that the annoying issues I was having were down to the phone, but they have all pretty much resurfaced with my Lumia 900. A shame.


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Dec 11, 2010
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Not me. Try downloading a couple dozen (or more) apps. That should keep you busy.

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Jun 14, 2012
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not bored at all - its the opposite for me. Ive been on every platform several times, then tried windows phone lumia 900 and never looked back because its the first phone I enjoy, I own the phone, the phone doesnt own me. Secondly I find it very exciting to be in on the ground floor so to speak, and be a part of all the new apps and features - for me, this keeps the excitement as well


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Mar 1, 2011
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The only time I'm bored with my Lumia is when I'm not using it to communicate with someone. All other forms of mobile productivity will be fulfilled when I get a Windows 8 tablet. I consider a 4-5 inch screen to small for anything other than basic stuff.


Aug 30, 2012
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I can't say that I'm bored with a phone I just got last week. I think one of the strengths and weaknesses of Windows Phone is that everything can be made to be much more accessible. Your time with the device is limited to the task at hand, so if you are just checking your messages that could be done and over with in a heartbeat. If you need to respond, I find the keyboard to be among the best touchscreen keyboards (even in portrait) that I have used on a smartphone. So if a message I receive requires a response, its dealt with readily and I'm on to the next task.

With Android, everything is open and everything can be fiddled with. Is that a good thing? Sure, if you are into that sort of thing and don't mind the risks associated with the rewards. I've gone from BlackBerry to Palm OS to Windows Mobile to Android, then to WebOS and back to Android again. My stint with WebOS made me wish Palm had been a litigious ******* and sued Apple into the ground and came out with a candybar style Pre 3 or Pre 4 that aside from a similar form factor and icons was nothing like the hipster device it has become.

I settled on a stock Nexus device for the longest time. (Nexus S 4G....Sprint, how I loathe thee) Android sans a customized skin can be just as bland. What it shares with Windows Phone is that you can put together a series of connections that make your phone just as useful and limit your intimacy with it to just a few seconds to see if anything new happened. For the first time in years I have email on my device not set to sync as mail hits the server. I check when I need to check and I'm happy with that. The People hub tells me what I need to know for the most part, emails for me now are generally limited.

I'm getting practice with the camera and I find that the default settings more often than not are enough for me. If I go back to that mindset everything needs tweaked (Android) I think I'll spend less time learning the camera and in the end getting upset it cannot do what I want it to despite time invested on tweaking.


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Dec 29, 2009
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I usually get bored pretty fast. And with my NL 900, it's no different. But then again... I pick up an Android Galaxy Nexus, which is another device I use for a small company I own or think of the iPhone 4S I briefly used as a stop gap between my HD7 and NL 900 and come back my WM 7.5 and how fascinating it is. I can't wait for tomorrow for the WP8 launch event of Nokia and MS with the new Lumia, my next phone :)


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Aug 30, 2011
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I think it really depends on the user. I am bored with iOS because of the same stale look. Not bored with Android but I'm not into mass apps or high levels of customizations. Not knocking anyone else that likes those things but it isn't for me.


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May 29, 2012
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I'm not bored. Then again, I came from BlackBerry. I don't miss: spinning hourglass clock, battery pulls, 5+ minute reboot time, need to reboot after updating apps, "page too large--closing" in the browser, need to shrink the OS.

I feel exactly the same way.

I've had my L900 since late May and every time I pick up or use my phone, I love it the same amount I did the first day I got the phone. I couldn't say the same for my BlackBerry.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
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After years with BB, and 2 with Android, I couldn't wait to get the Lumia. But, after a few months, I have to admit, I'm bored with it. It works great, and I love the design, but it's, it's, it's just a little too buttoned down and inflexible and well, boring.

Anyone else feeling this way?

I feel the same friend, you re not alone

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