About to jump the iPhone ship for the 930...


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Oct 25, 2014
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Well don't know if someone already mentioned this, but if you do a lot of reading then keep your expectations very low, in fact to a bare minimum. The kindle app sucks big time, not even properly rendering the lines properly, and that is the only feature it has in the windows version, no highlights/ notes/ dictionary.
For epubs on your device Bookviser is the best bet, not comparable to the ones on Android/ ios, but will get the job done, again keep your expectations low.
I own a Lumia 1520, Note 2. I tend to use Lumia for Photography only.
Reading, Writing and Photography are my main habits, and my comments are focused on these needs.


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Oct 3, 2013
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Well don't know if someone already mentioned this, but if you do a lot of reading then keep your expectations very low, in fact to a bare minimum. The kindle app sucks big time, not even properly rendering the lines properly, and that is the only feature it has in the windows version, no highlights/ notes/ dictionary.
For epubs on your device Bookviser is the best bet, not comparable to the ones on Android/ ios, but will get the job done, again keep your expectations low.
I own a Lumia 1520, Note 2. I tend to use Lumia for Photography only.
Reading, Writing and Photography are my main habits, and my comments are focused on these needs.
This is our problem, app gap, we have the best hardware, the most personal OS and AI, the most powerful start screen, BUT NO APPS.

Fred Wilson2

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Aug 25, 2014
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<snip> and Photography are my main habits, and my comments are focused on these needs.

I'm a photographer and the phone is about the last thing that I use for that. Just for quick snapshots and such, not for anything near serious. The most inexpensive DSLR's (which I have, but all my serious work is film, medium and large format) will easily outperform any phone. :)



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Nov 19, 2012
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Obviously, you understand that Windows Phone is going to be DIFFERENT (not better, not worse) than iOS or Android in terms of UI and app development and this means learning new ways to perform a familiar function. As long as you keep an open mind to learning the Windows Phone way, you'll be fine (and for those of you that argue it should work or look like iOS or Android, please jump ship now)

Some have mentioned you'll miss:
  • iCloud - I argue you won't miss iCloud once you start using OneDrive. OneDrive can sync all your files across any device that you've installed the One Drive app...including Mac or iOS devices.
  • Games - I'm not a gamer so this doesn't bother me. My suggestion is to contact the developers and chew their @$$
  • Apps - So many people complain about the lack of features within official apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Dump those official apps and try a 3rd party app created by a concerned developer like Rudy Huyn or Chris Kim. They're free too!! (most of the time). For local/small audience apps...we can't fix the prejudice against WP.
  • Youtube - I agree with TechFreak1....download MetroTube, MyTube, or another killer 3rd party. You'll find they are better than the iOS version of Youtube.
  • LockScreen functionality - Ummmm, it's a lock screen.....supposed to keep your phone from being used, right? If you want all those fancy app features in a lock screen then don't use a lock screen!!

Someone mentioned downloading a calendar...WHY?! The 8.1 calendar is the best calendar I've ever used. You should try it first before downloading or paying for another.

Like raycpl said "Enjoy your 930...just "unlearn" what you had before and don't use WP like a iOS/Android and you be fine."


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Jul 22, 2013
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Here's what you're gonna miss from iPhone:
1) Gamecenter
Xbox games is supposed to be our version of gamecenter, but lets just say it doesn't work out well. Nobody releases games for Xbox live because it is so inconvenient for them to go through the long process of branding a game as an Xbox game. So, our game center sucks because you can't even do multiplayer through it, all it really does is has or achievements and that's good if you care about gamerscore if you are using Xbox only.
2) Texting UI
iPhone has nice texting design but windows phone is pretty ugly. If you reply with a short text, it will send a huge rectangle message, and not send a bubble the shape of the text like iPhone does. Word flow(Swype) is nice, but it doesn't make up for the ugly rectangular texts that we have on windows phone. This bothers me because I am a teen and I text a lot, and have to see the ugly texts. It just has such a basic text UI and looks so ugly.
3) iMessage
I think have somewhat of an equivalent to this but it isn't as great since nobody seems to have a windows phone. iMessage was good on iOS because lots of ppl had it. This also means we dont have the seen underneath the text or delivered. If you want to be notified of delivered texts you must enable it under settings and it will tell you in a completely separate text thread(as a person named operator or something). Fortunately, nobody can see when you start typing. So, you are safe from being in trouble if you text back later.
4) Apps and Games
Of course, we almost never get any of the current new hit games unless the company has already supported windows phone such as gameloft and EA(WHERE'S MADDEN MOBILE AT?!). It's just a long complicated cycle, nobody wants to support windows phone because there are not enough user and people dont want to get windows phone because there aren't enough apps. Btw, if you use Kik, good luck that app is complete ****, it hasn't been updated in over 2 years.
5) Design/UI
Our tiles look nice, but we have a lot of basic ugly looking places. The settings looks so plain and ugly, and our notification center could use some work. Music app needs a little work, but at least my albums are finally back in order instead of alphabetical order. Message app looks plain as I said, and some people find the home screen confusing for some reason.
If you make the switch, I hope these features dont urk you too much because I doubt this stuff is getting fixed anytime soon.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Windows phone is simply better than iOS
You give me 2 views why iOS is better and I'll give you 10 why it is not.
Windows phone can be personalised to a great extent and you have everything you need.LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU EXPECT FROM A SMARTPHONE.
Probably the first thing you will fall in love with is CORTANA ;)
I can give you about 20 reasons WP pales in comparison to iOS with all of them revolving around UI/Design and the basic features that iOS users have.


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Dec 31, 2012
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I can give you about 20 reasons WP pales in comparison to iOS with all of them revolving around UI/Design and the basic features that iOS users have.

You guys make me laugh.. I'll raise you 40 reasons. 80, 160.

Fact is both iOS and WP are very usable now and both are great phones. Apple has the edge when it comes to apps but other than that its all down to personal choice.


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Sep 29, 2014
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You guys make me laugh.. I'll raise you 40 reasons. 80, 160.

Fact is both iOS and WP are very usable now and both are great phones. Apple has the edge when it comes to apps but other than that its all down to personal choice.
Dont forget to mention the bad batterylife in ios.

Ios has more apps and Windows has better battery life.


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Jul 22, 2013
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You guys make me laugh.. I'll raise you 40 reasons. 80, 160.

Fact is both iOS and WP are very usable now and both are great phones. Apple has the edge when it comes to apps but other than that its all down to personal choice.

Did you read my other post? Yea, right 40 my ***. Until you have used both devices please do not try to claim the impossible. And battery life isn't too bad in iOS, it depends on the user just like how on Saturdays my windows phone dies fast because I use it a lot. Windows Phone needs some serious work, sure personal choice is nice, but I want better looking UI. Messaging UI is uglier compared iOS and you know you have got to admit that. Apple has the edge in appeal. People look at iOS and go "ooh apps, easy design" and people go to WP and say "ewww no apps, and confusing design" I honestly dont know why they think its confusing but a lot of people seem to find it very confusing when they look at it.


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The most inexpensive DSLR's (which I have, but all my serious work is film, medium and large format) will easily outperform any phone. :)

I agree. But for quick snaps Lumia offers something comparable to a point-and-shoot, and with its 4 sec exposure time, and steady hands, we can get awesome night shots.
For an unplanned shot I'm quite happy with Lumia Pureview's performance.



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Oct 20, 2014
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Thanks all for the valuable inputs, this thread makes for a great read.

Well, finally I went for the 830. It feels nicer in the hand, build quality is fine and the less powerfull camera, well, I usually shoot with a nice full-frame camera, so for snaps etc. these Zeiss 10MP seem more than adequate.

Slow and old processor? I tested the 830 alongside the 930. Hardly noticeable delays.

Screen quality? I actually prefer the 830's. It seems cleaner, clearer, more crisp and the blacks are beautifully strong and saturated.

The one thing I have to get used to is the size, but paying half price o what Apple wants me to fork out, well, I take the bait! The 830 and iPhone 6 have about the same size, so I just have to deal with it.

The black 830 is just beautiful (that large round camera window on the back isn't that obvious too...).

Obviously WP 8.1 still has some rough edges. Don't understand why you can't change the default alarm or why it's not possible to change regional settings such as miles, kilometers etc. at one location for all the apps. Those are minor nuisances.

It's great to have, after all these years, a Nokia phone again, and if it's the last one they ever have their name on it will occupy a special place in my gallery of phones I ever used.


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Jul 13, 2014
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WP8.1 OS is actually really good, much better than iOS and android for easy customisation and the live tile system is simply superb. Cortana and driving mode is brilliant!

The only problem is APPs, yes it is a problem. I jumped from iOS to the 930 4 months ago and I slightly regret it. If you're heavily reliant on Google then avoid WP8.1. Facebook app is subpar, missing quite a few features (and the Beta too). Netflix app does not support profiles, so if you share one account you only have the account holder profile.

I recently had a trip to London and fining my way about was a bit difficult with Bing and some metro apps, luckily my wife has an android phone and it was soo much simpler.

The pro's aren't more than the cons... and if I could afford to switch to a high end Android phone I would.

Waylon Payne

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Oct 12, 2014
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Yup, exactly !
I had both (sent the 930 back) and the 830, for me, is a much better phone.
Specs on paper and real life experience are very different things. I also have a little 635, which "only" has 512 memory and it runs great !
930 is a tank, heavy, thick, slippery.
The 830 is thinner, lighter and not slippery.
To me a much better experience and just as fast with a screen that I can't tell a difference between it and the 930.


The biggest disadvantage for me about the 830 over the 930 is that it's bound to be less future proof with the lower specs.

I do however love the design over the 930.

Fred Wilson2

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Aug 25, 2014
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Yup, I agree with all of that.
The screen is really stunning. I have a most black photo (2 of them) one for my lock screen and one for the home screen background and with the transparent tiles it's just stunning. Inky black.

Regarding size, all of the Nokia phones that I've tried feel large compared to other brands with the same screen size. The "holdability" (is that a word haha) is not as good. Pick up a Samsung Galaxy S4, for example, and compare how it feels in the hand compared to the 830.

Camera, yup, any serious photography is done with a DSLR or film, the phones are great for quick snapshots, etc.

Had the 930 for a couple of weeks so could compare the 930 side by side with the 830 and I could not tell a speed difference.


Thanks all for the valuable inputs, this thread makes for a great read.

I usually shoot with a nice full-frame camera, so for snaps etc. these Zeiss 10MP seem more than adequate.

Slow and old processor? I tested the 830 alongside the 930. Hardly noticeable delays.

Screen quality? I actually prefer the 830's. It seems cleaner, clearer, more crisp and the blacks are beautifully strong and saturated.

The one thing I have to get used to is the size, but paying half price o what Apple wants me to fork out, well, I take the bait! The 830 and iPhone 6 have about the same size, so I just have to deal with it.



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Oct 20, 2014
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The biggest disadvantage for me about the 830 over the 930 is that it's bound to be less future proof with the lower specs.

I do however love the design over the 930.

While the 830's specs look "lame", this device is certainly no slouch, wasting less energy on screen and other processing needs. We should be fine for two to three years (have to confess, was still using the 3GS, and it was actually quite snappy!)


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Oct 27, 2014
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I've been a 920 user for long time. Just switched to iPhone 5S which came free from work. I find one handed use with the iPhone much more difficult than with the 920 because with WP most things (e.g. web browser address) are at the bottom of the screen, easily reached. On iOS everythign seems to be at the top of the screen. Also; the keyboard is a bit bigger so never have to use landscape, there are limited punctation marks on the portrait keyboard so very seldom have to use second page character, and I in my opinion text selection/cursor placement is much easier on WP.

I have never had problem running single handed on the 920. I struggle all the time on the 5S, though maybe I'm just more scared of dropping it. The 920 was a very bouncy phone.

I hope I can get the hang of iOS soon because I am truly not enjoying this experience. I am a heavy email user, with a couple of different accounts and many filters in for operations, financial approvals, safety incident notifications etc. etc, Pinning these different folders to the start was paradise compared to the iOS solution. For me, that will probably be the reason I seel the 5s and head back to WP, though I've promised my brother I'd try it for at least a month.


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Oct 9, 2014
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I'm an Apple ****** JUST converted to WP on a lumia 1520. This is after my house is 100% apple'd from my HTPC thro iPads for whole family, and iPhone 5's across the board (I've been on iPhone since v1), and every single one of my 43 staff is on macbook air, all 12 reps have iPad's, and even the office wifi routers are apple! This in SA where offices do NOT use apple cos it's so frighteningly expensive.

So how did this even happen? Well iP6+ was coming, and I wanted to try a larger screen for a while to make the correct 6/6+ decision. So I tested the 1520 we had lying in the office for dev testing. Within 2 days I was sold! There are too many things I love about it to list perfectly, but I'll try a few:

What I miss on iOS (and bear in mind I've always been jailbroken so there's a lot of crap in iOS I'm not gonna list here cos I solved it thro cydia):
  • Local apps. My banks. Annoying! c'mon Investec SA!
  • You canNOT hide your videos! Whaaaaaat???? This is SO annoying. Oh you can get an app to record vids to a 'vault', but that's just crap. WP need to fix this; allow dev's to access movie roll like they can the camera roll. SO easy!
  • I canNOT find a decent app to control my mac HTPC like a trackpad/mouse. None work nicely
  • No Chrome browser. Sad. IE is surprisingly good in that tabs don't need refreshing all the time. BUT usability is crap, and no sync'd bookmarks is annoying
  • WhatsApp is slightly less funcitonal and usable that iOS, but it's OK I guess
  • Dropbox has only 3rd party apps which are not great
  • Grouping all my apps into useable folders. Yes there are apps that help - a lot - but it's imperfect and even the 8.1 tile grouping isn't what I'm after. I like a nested start menu.
  • And I can't find an even accceptable kakuro game :(
  • Text expansion! Oh wow, MS failed big time here. Nearly gave up on WP on day 1 cos of this omission. There's a work around; "Copy n Paste" app pinned to home screen results in a few extra keystrokes to get there.
  • Notifications centre is more elegant than iOS by far, but it annoys me a tad that some apps clear it too readily, and others (whatsapp) don't clear it at all

But that's it really! And I've been keeping a running list of issues cos I wanted to know if I should be the 6+ (launched 2 days ago in SA).

Now here's what I love about WP that no one seems to have covered above:
  • That back button. Wow. Cycling between apps has never been easier. Even holding that button to get the task switcher is way way easier than double clicking ios home.
  • Live tiles of course, but did u know you can have photos that scroll in a tile?
  • Transparent tiles on a background photo. Screen shots don't often show this feature
  • Settings are way easier to use. iOS started off OK, but it's gotten too messy now and I really battle to help other users. Privacy settings are a mess and with ios 8 many apps stopped working (mic or location access) and users really battled to know what was going on)
  • OneNote is epic! Notepad on iOS is just awful. So yeah, you can get OneNote on iOS, but I would never have found out about it if it wasn't for WP
  • OK, so I'm struggling with the "people" feature in WP. But I read above that others love it. Guess I need to bone up on that
  • Mail is way more useable. Install gmail app for instantly searching your 5yr history. iOS mail also sucks at that btw
  • Battery life is amazing on the 1520. 2 FULL days of intense use! And built in battery saver seems to work.
  • The default calendar is great for week view (iOS default calendar is embarrassing)
  • Camera I'm unsure on...even my 5s seemed to battle with low light. I really don't rate any pics on iPhones and I suspect samsung wins the day here
  • "RapDialer" makes the phone so much more usable. Free. Stuff u have to jailbreak to get in ios

There's more, but the bottom line is this apple ******, with a strong installed base, and no reason to switch to WP, is a convert Still embarrassed to tell my friends whom I spent years converting to iOS <blush>

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