Microsoft Complete has failed me. How about your experience?

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Rich Bergstedt

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Jun 17, 2016
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I have not received the kind of service I would expect from Microsoft. My suggested options were unacceptable.

Here is a saga of great frustration with Microsoft Complete customer service on a laptop ( a Dell Inspiron 15 with an AMD CPU, 15.6 ” touchscreen, 8 GB memory and 1 TB hard drive )*I purchased in June of last year – 2016. By the way, I paid about $130 for this 1 year support agreement on both hardware and software.

I had ignored the fact that the Wi-Fi connection would not connect until this week. I know that was stupid but I thought I was doing something wrong – not that it was a hardware failure.* I final decided to deal with this beginning on February 27, 2016. I spent 5 hours on the phone in total on that day while having a Microsoft technician remote into my laptop using my hardwired connection to my router at home.
He ran the same diagnostics that I had. I must have told my story over 5 times to various people I talked to on my calls that day. I was given two choices to resolve my hardware problem.

Take my laptop to one of four stores in the Bay area – a distance of 100 – 125+ miles for me from a suburb of Sacramento, CA. I couldn’t believe that there wasn’t a store in the state capital area! They would repair it or replace for an additional fee. I was also told there might be a deductible of $50-100.

Send my laptop in and wait 2-8 weeks for it to be returned to me.

I talked to the support line twice on the next day but wasn’t able to hear or understand what was being said to me. So, the gentleman I was speaking with last on Tuesday said that he would call me at 8:00*AM my time on Wednesday. Needless to say he did not call at 8:00 AM. I was able to get through to someone who explained he was the only one taking calls to tier 3 and had to take inbound calls and couldn’t call me because of this.


As a result, I decided to contact the closest store and see what my options were if I brought it into them.* The manager I spoke with was very accommodating and I made an appointment to meet her at her store on Friday early afternoon*in Corte Madera which is near Santa Rosa on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge – a 200 mile round trip..* Her name is Addy. I would recommend her very highly because she was someone at Microsoft who really seemed to care about my concern.

She offered to get me the best price she could on a replacement laptop as mine was no longer available. I was going to pay about $50 to get*a new one which was equivalent in features.

Later on Wednesday afternoon, I was contacted by a “manager over*tier 3*– Microsoft Complete support”. He offered me the option to do what is called an advanced exchange. If I sent my laptop to them, they would send me a replacement once they knew mine was en route. I was able to print a label and packed my system in the original packaging and took it to the UPS store near me. I received a tracking number which I have been following. I still have not received the promised replacement laptop and here it is late on Saturday afternoon.

If you feel like I do, this is a reason to believe all of the other similar stories I have found about Microsoft’s poor commitment to fulfilling their responsibility to its customers.

As much as it is my power to do so, I will never buy another hardware product from Microsoft. I wonder if they support their own hardware like the Surface platform, or the Windows phone*or Xbox. Comments are very welcome and share this story everywhere you can.

I will comment if and when I receive what was promised me. I have tried to contact the person who promised me the replacement twice yesterday with no success or answers to my voicemails. I also asked the manager I was potentially going to visit and she said she would do her best to help me.

It is so bad that I would almost encourage my client to drop Microsoft’s products from their systems and go to Linux and Google apps or move to Apple exclusively for hardware and software – procuring these through a source known as TechSoup – an organization dedicated to getting hardware and software products for 501c3 organizations at a very reduced cost and many times even free.

I will be sending a copy of this*post to every on-line community I can find and blast Microsoft off the face of the Earth – figuratively speaking.


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Mar 26, 2015
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Originally posted by Rich Bergstedt
I have not received the kind of service I would expect from Microsoft. My suggested options were unacceptable.

Here is a saga of great frustration with Microsoft Complete customer service on a laptop ( a Dell Inspiron 15 with an AMD CPU, 15.6 ” touchscreen, 8 GB memory and 1 TB hard drive )*I purchased in June of last year – 2016. By the way, I paid about $130 for this 1 year support agreement on both hardware and software.

I had ignored the fact that the Wi-Fi connection would not connect until this week. I know that was stupid but I thought I was doing something wrong – not that it was a hardware failure.* I final decided to deal with this beginning on February 27, 2016. I spent 5 hours on the phone in total on that day while having a Microsoft technician remote into my laptop using my hardwired connection to my router at home.
He ran the same diagnostics that I had. I must have told my story over 5 times to various people I talked to on my calls that day. I was given two choices to resolve my hardware problem.

Take my laptop to one of four stores in the Bay area – a distance of 100 – 125+ miles for me from a suburb of Sacramento, CA. I couldn’t believe that there wasn’t a store in the state capital area! They would repair it or replace for an additional fee. I was also told there might be a deductible of $50-100.

Send my laptop in and wait 2-8 weeks for it to be returned to me.

I talked to the support line twice on the next day but wasn’t able to hear or understand what was being said to me. So, the gentleman I was speaking with last on Tuesday said that he would call me at 8:00*AM my time on Wednesday. Needless to say he did not call at 8:00 AM. I was able to get through to someone who explained he was the only one taking calls to tier 3 and had to take inbound calls and couldn’t call me because of this.


As a result, I decided to contact the closest store and see what my options were if I brought it into them.* The manager I spoke with was very accommodating and I made an appointment to meet her at her store on Friday early afternoon*in Corte Madera which is near Santa Rosa on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge – a 200 mile round trip..* Her name is Addy. I would recommend her very highly because she was someone at Microsoft who really seemed to care about my concern.

She offered to get me the best price she could on a replacement laptop as mine was no longer available. I was going to pay about $50 to get*a new one which was equivalent in features.

Later on Wednesday afternoon, I was contacted by a “manager over*tier 3*– Microsoft Complete support”. He offered me the option to do what is called an advanced exchange. If I sent my laptop to them, they would send me a replacement once they knew mine was en route. I was able to print a label and packed my system in the original packaging and took it to the UPS store near me. I received a tracking number which I have been following. I still have not received the promised replacement laptop and here it is late on Saturday afternoon.

If you feel like I do, this is a reason to believe all of the other similar stories I have found about Microsoft’s poor commitment to fulfilling their responsibility to its customers.

As much as it is my power to do so, I will never buy another hardware product from Microsoft. I wonder if they support their own hardware like the Surface platform, or the Windows phone*or Xbox. Comments are very welcome and share this story everywhere you can.

I will comment if and when I receive what was promised me. I have tried to contact the person who promised me the replacement twice yesterday with no success or answers to my voicemails. I also asked the manager I was potentially going to visit and she said she would do her best to help me.

It is so bad that I would almost encourage my client to drop Microsoft’s products from their systems and go to Linux and Google apps or move to Apple exclusively for hardware and software – procuring these through a source known as TechSoup – an organization dedicated to getting hardware and software products for 501c3 organizations at a very reduced cost and many times even free.

I will be sending a copy of this*post to every on-line community I can find and blast Microsoft off the face of the Earth – figuratively speaking.

Same thing happened to me from day 1 of purchase of my Dell Inspiron laptop.

But in my case i called Dell Support for the problem.
I asked them to exchange my laptop with new one but they have no policy to swap the unsatisfied user's device even before 15 days...
The Dell Support Manager asked me to swap the laptop in 15 days on your own risk and don't mention us while doing that.

##But my local dealer fixed this buy installing *CISCO PEAP, LEAP & EAP module drivers . And my laptop's Wi-Fi run without any Wi-Fi problem till now.

+I hope you will get your awesome dell laptop back to life by installing *LEAP drivers from your local computer shop.

---- Apart. I am frustrated with my Lumia phone which is bricked(not showing SIM network) because of low quality hardware which had not been fixed by MS Authorised service centre.


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Nov 13, 2013
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Forgive my ignorance, it may be because I am based in Thailand, but what is Microsoft Complete? I also have a Dell laptop and I contacted Dell Support for help too. Microsoft never touched it.


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Mar 1, 2011
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So person has bad experience with customer service - vows to never buy another product from said company - believes his story is an indictment of the whole company

So I should never buy an Apple product because he too was unsatisfied.

And I should never buy a Google product because Pixel C users were forced to return/replace their product after Google failed to provide a timely fix.

The solution to random reboots on the Pixel C is... an RMA replacement

I understand, no one wants to be "that guy" that has a bad experience with customer service. But if I had to base my purchases around an individual's bad experience, I'd be walking around with empty pockets.


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Apr 15, 2013
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Originally posted by HeyCori
So person has bad experience with customer service - vows to never buy another product from said company - believes his story is an indictment of the whole company

So I should never buy an Apple product because he too was unsatisfied.

youtube video

And I should never buy a Google product because Pixel C users were forced to return/replace their product after Google failed to provide a timely fix.

The solution to random reboots on the Pixel C is... an RMA replacement

I understand, no one wants to be "that guy" that has a bad experience with customer service. But if I had to base my purchases around an individual's bad experience, I'd be walking around with empty pockets.

The usual approach is to judge by the number of posts. Are there many? Are they saying the same things?

MS like to outsource their support to an outfit called B2X in many places. We've gone from a regularly praised, fantastic Nokia Care one to one system where they would often just fix it within an hour or so to a complete mess. How do I know? Volume of positive and negative reports.

So each report is worthwhile. You need to see the bigger picture.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I understand, no one wants to be "that guy" that has a bad experience with customer service. But if I had to base my purchases around an individual's bad experience, I'd be walking around with empty pockets.

No sir, they'd be full... Of cash. :winktongue:


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May 28, 2013
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I purchased Complete for one of my original L950XLs which was immediately returned due to how bad WM10 was on Thanksgiving 2015. But that Complete definitely had a deductible and required taking or sending the device to specific locations for repairs.

I have the impression that those caught the OP by surprise and caused everything else that happen to be viewed in a more negative way than if he had been expecting a deductible and having to send the device in.

Its unfortunate that there were communication problems, some of which might have been exacerbated by simultaneous dealings with multiple parties, but while I would be angry too, I would still do business with MS but not purchase Complete if it did not meet my needs. It's seems to me at least that the OP would not have been happy if MS did everything Complete required in a timely manner. Happier, yes. Happy, no.

If he is posting in the hopes that it will deter others from buying from MS, it won't have any noticeable effect by itself. The reason is that even the best companies and products have failures and pretty much everyone knows that. As pointed out, if you never buy anything that someone has a complaint about, you would be living naked in a cave.

But its good to post anyway so that a pattern may become obvious and that would be useful to others.


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May 28, 2013
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So, can anyone enlighten me as to what Microsoft Complete is?

It's an insurance policy that augments the warranty the manufacturer provides. It may extend the warranty period or cover accidental damage, etc..

If you are familiar with SquareTrade, its basically the same concept. Microsoft offers Complete instead of 3rd party policies like SquareTrade.


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Sep 2, 2014
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I'm sorry to hear about your issues. I have had nothing but good experiences with Microsoft complete so far. But I also usually go to one of the stores to deal with people in person. Dealing with anyone over the phone for anything is usually never as good.

On a side note, you say you will tell your clients to move over to other hardware. Does it not worry your clients that you bought a piece of hardware and didn't bother to check if wifi works for such a long time? I would question your ability to provide thorough service to me if I was a client. Again, not trying to put you down but just bringing some perspective in the event you mention this story to your clients. I would probably not mention that.


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May 28, 2013
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On a side note, you say you will tell your clients to move over to other hardware. Does it not worry your clients that you bought a piece of hardware and didn't bother to check if wifi works for such a long time? I would question your ability to provide thorough service to me if I was a client.
He at least complained within the warranty period if I understand his post. The fact that he paid $130 for Complete without noting there was a deductible or how to get service would be more disturbing to me. That and being upset that MS doesn't have a store near where he lives and works.

Leonel Funes

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Mar 4, 2014
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My experiences with Microsoft has always been amazing. My old laptop was an HP Pavilion dv6, no extended coverage, but that didn't stop them from helping me. About 4 years after expired warranty, faulty trackpad, and terribly slow HDD, I walked into a Microsoft Store expecting to shell out a lot of money. Lo and behold, I paid exactly $0 for everything that needed to be done. Just took about a week. With me, it has been smooth sailing.


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May 28, 2013
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My experiences with Microsoft has always been amazing. My old laptop was an HP Pavilion dv6, no extended coverage, but that didn't stop them from helping me. About 4 years after expired warranty, faulty trackpad, and terribly slow HDD, I walked into a Microsoft Store expecting to shell out a lot of money. Lo and behold, I paid exactly $0 for everything that needed to be done. Just took about a week. With me, it has been smooth sailing.
The physical store near me has always given awesome service and goes the extra mile. But I'd rather go cordless bungie jumping than deal with the on-line store people. I stopped using phone support because I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating. I switched to chats so I could save a copy and get independent confirmation that I didn't just imagine how bad it was. But then nobody would believe I didn't fabricate the transcripts.


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The physical store near me has always given awesome service and goes the extra mile. But I'd rather go cordless bungie jumping than deal with the on-line store people. I stopped using phone support because I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating. I switched to chats so I could save a copy and get independent confirmation that I didn't just imagine how bad it was. But then nobody would believe I didn't fabricate the transcripts.

I too had good experience with MS complete. But, that was just me.

Twitter: @PhotographyET


Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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I too had good experience with MS complete. But, that was just me.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
My great experience wasn't related to Complete. I paid for Complete for my first 950XLs because they were ~$700 if I recall in Nov 2015. But I returned those phones because of how bad WM10 was on day one.

By the time I bought another 950LX (Dec 2016) they were under $300 (on sale) and MS didn't even offer Complete on it if I wanted it, which I didn't by then.

But they took two 950XL (I ordered one for my wife and myself) back with a smile in Dec 2015. Plus I bought my father a 2-in-1 at the MS store and they helped him numerous times when he had questions or messed something up and I wasn't around. The store people were never pushing to make a sale and let you try (in the store) any devices they sold and were very knowledgeable about what they sold.

The MS on-line store people (all 6-7 I have dealt with) are spawn of hell, but that's another story.


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Mar 26, 2015
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MS INDIAN SUPPORT is the worst among all chat support! :angry::angry::angry:

I was typing my query as he asked but the MS AGENT HAS ENDED THE CHAT without replying me .


#fact : -99%(in negative) transparency in their MS Authorized Care !


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I have had a great time at the store and so has family. Folks at the stores have gone the extra mile to make things right, making sure we had no problems or excess paperwork.

Now the almost $1K iPhone 6s battery problems? Being told "not our worry" - that to me is offensive. So is $750 for Pixels where they only promise updates for 2 years - pretty expensive on an annual basis.
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