Verizon trophy: Have you gotten 7.8 yet?


New member
Dec 8, 2011
Just curious if anyone had got it yet via the Zune trick or just an automatic update. Want to know if I'm wasting my time unplugging and replugging. Thanks all :)
I have also tried repeatedly but still nothing. I don't know if I expect it any time soon since they haven't said anything about Portico for any of the Windows Phone 8 handsets yet. Or at least not that I had heard of.
What's really annoying about this is that all other trophy's that are unlocked or Vodafone have been able to get it with no problem.
I waited until now and just used the cab update from XDA and updated to 7.8 and so far so good, it is working well and I am still customizing my start screen! :-):grin:
I installed the CAB update and now I can't change lockscreen settings. :-\ other then that, it works great.
Tried several times with the Zune trick, but no luck. Resorted to XDA cabs and was successful. Works great so far. Have not tried the lock screen feature yet.
I tried the Zune trick via cable pull and ipconfig/release methods a couple dozen times to no avail. It has worked for me in the past so I am guessing it is not up yet.
Lockscreen using Bing image of the day works for me but I have a customized lockscreen with a different background "Metro Locscreen Creator".
Lockscreen using Bing image of the day works for me but I have a customized lockscreen with a different background "Metro Locscreen Creator".
Ok, thank you. Wonder what I'll have to do to fix mine. When I tap "Lockscreen and wallpaper", the screen flashes and it goes back to the settings menu. :(
Ok, thank you. Wonder what I'll have to do to fix mine. When I tap "Lockscreen and wallpaper", the screen flashes and it goes back to the settings menu. :(

Lockscreen using Bing image of the day works for me but I have a customized lockscreen with a different background "Metro Locscreen Creator".

Am I missing something here? Are you both saying that you have the 7.8 update on your Verizon Trophys?
Ok, thank you. Wonder what I'll have to do to fix mine. When I tap "Lockscreen and wallpaper", the screen flashes and it goes back to the settings menu. :(

Go back to your backup and then redo the cab and see if it works. I put mine in Airplane mode before doing the cabs.
Also, did you put all the cabs in one shot?
I did mine one by one update, meaning from 8773 to 8779 --> 3 cab files
Then did 8779 to 8783 --> 1 cab file
Then finally 8783 to 8858 --> 4 cab files including 2 language pack (English and Spanish)

Hope this helps.

Go back to your backup and then redo the cab and see if it works. I put mine in Airplane mode before doing the cabs.
Also, did you put all the cabs in one shot?
I did mine one by one update, meaning from 8773 to 8779 --> 3 cab files
Then did 8779 to 8783 --> 1 cab file
Then finally 8783 to 8858 --> 4 cab files including 2 language pack (English and Spanish)

Hope this helps.

Do you think airplane mode makes a difference? I just redid it your way without airplane mode and the same thing happens (lock screen settings crashes)

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