Bug/defect checklist for new and future Lumia 920 owners

I think that has been my problem. trying to take a picture in almost 'absolute' dark and seeing if it'll somehow capture light that isn't there.

I'll take some around the farm property tonight that we live on and see how it goes. Its just too damn cold out!

EDIT: Though, it always wants to default to using a flash in all situations... (and I don't believe it is the focus assist light. Isn't that the light that comes on as you're focusing [if it needs]?)

It will default to flash at night. You have to turn it off.

The focus assist light is the one that flashes about a half second before the picture is taken. It goes on, then once it's off you'll hear the camera.
I thought my phone was perfect until I played with the camera. It won't take sharp pictures under any circumstance. I'm aware of the daylight problem with the focus, but still have issues lots of natural light, low light and tried different settings. I think something is wrong with the camera/sensor on my device because I've seen some decent photos posted on these forums. I'm exchanging my matte black unit tonight.
I thought my phone was perfect until I played with the camera. It won't take sharp pictures under any circumstance. I'm aware of the daylight problem with the focus, but still have issues lots of natural light, low light and tried different settings. I think something is wrong with the camera/sensor on my device because I've seen some decent photos posted on these forums. I'm exchanging my matte black unit tonight.

I am embarrassed to say that I had a simular problem. None of my pictures looked very good. Then I realized that I had not removed the factory plastic from the lens. I had taken the plastic off the back, but did not notice a seperate piece covering the lens.
I am embarrassed to say that I had a simular problem. None of my pictures looked very good. Then I realized that I had not removed the factory plastic from the lens. I had taken the plastic off the back, but did not notice a seperate piece covering the lens.
Hi Necroscope, thanks for the tip! That happened to me at first too (so you're not alone!), but it's not on there anymore. I'm really bummed about it, but I feel like mine is worse than others so I don't want to let the 14 day exchange period expire and find out that the Nokia update (whenever that happens) may not help me.
Camera performance on daylight

I use all default settings but change the ISO to "Fluorescent" and the shots look much better!
Can someone check and see if they notice any light bleeding on the edges closest to the capacitive buttons on the bottom? When I use my phone in the dark I notice a line of light on the right, left, and center bottom of the phone. I believe this might be because the light from the capacitive buttons reflects off the curved edge but I might be wrong.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

I have a very small light leak their as well. Noticed the same thing on my 900. Nit a deal breaker for me.
Here's one for ya'll and I don't even own this phone, but I confirmed it while playing with it in the AT&T store.

When you play a video (try anything from youtube) - the back, start and search buttons stay lit all the time and never switch off. How annoying would this be if you were trying to watch a video in the dark.

Gotta say - I have money all put aside to buy this off contract but am most definitely not going to be getting one just yet. I'm shocked at how many issues seem to be cropping up. :dry
Here's one for ya'll and I don't even own this phone, but I confirmed it while playing with it in the AT&T store.

When you play a video (try anything from youtube) - the back, start and search buttons stay lit all the time and never switch off. How annoying would this be if you were trying to watch a video in the dark.

Gotta say - I have money all put aside to buy this off contract but am most definitely not going to be getting one just yet. I'm shocked at how many issues seem to be cropping up. :dry

I am pretty sure my Titan II has always done that.
Graphical Tearing at Boot

I ordered my lovely Cyan Lumia 920 as soon as AT&T put them on presale-- I love the phone.
In general, I have no functional problems with it except for one issue.

---> At boot I have graphical tearing (looks like corrupted graphics, artifacting). This STARTS once "Windows Phone" splash screen begins, but NOT earlier (AT&T and NOKIA splash screens are unaffected). It persists into the booted WP8 OS for a little while-- all of the tiles are artifacted/torn-- but only for about 20 seconds or so. If I turn off the display and turn it back on, it will go away and will not happen again until I reboot my phone-- but then it will consistently occur.

1. Has anyone else observed this?
2. What steps should be taken to attempt a fix?
3. Should I go through the trouble of swapping out my phone while I still have the chance?

Once the screen kicks off the artifacting, it works like a charm and doesn't have any problems until it boots back up from a cold boot.
Does anyone share my plight?
On the phone with Nokia they dont even know that this is an issue!! Please call them directly to report Bluetooth issue at:

888-665-4228 Nokia call center
I tried taking a picture today and the whole screen was green. Same when I tried taking a video or using the front facing camera. Exited the camera app and tried again, to no avail. I ended up rebooting the phone and that fixed it.

edit: now that I think about it, I installed skype last night. Could be a bug with Skype.
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I just got off the phone with Nokia customer support, I suggest people call with these issues as they had no idea their was a Bluetooth issue even though it is a thread on their support site!!
About freezes/soft resets and battery drain

I'm french and using a Nokia Lumia 920 for about 2 weeks now (we were lucky to have it earlier in stores). Have a few feedbacks that could be interesting here:

- Battery drain. During the very first days, battery life was really not impressive. 6 hours for the first drain test. I downloaded a lot to set it up, including all my applications (was using a WP7 before). The firsts days were giving me between 6 -10 hours a day of battery life. I did not changed the setup form that time but it improved quite a lot. I'm now having around 24-27 hours battery life almost constantly. However, as I can not take it for 2 days without charge, i'm used to charge it every night, starting at midnight and running out of the charger at 7 am. I do not use induction charger yet, as I still need to find one.

- Freeze and soft/resets. I did not experience a single one during the 4 first days. And then starting to have almost a daily or 2 soft resets a day. I did install the app "Battery tile" on the 3rd day. The first time, I noticed I have to key the pin code of my sim card on the 4th day (suspected a soft reset, but not sure until I saw it happening). Not sure it is linked, but this application was stopping to report the proper charge sometimes, so I uninstalled it. This was last Thursday. I did install Battery Level for doing the same, with more functionalities. I did not experienced a single soft reset since. I would tend to suspect Battery Tile to have caused my issue of soft resets. Not sure however it is the case.
Reporting this weird bug when the screen goes dark while placing/receiving a call.

It seems like it's caused by an overly sensitive proximity sensor. I've played around a bit and it seems to intertwine with a 'prevent accidental camera launch' feature, meaning I couldn't ever turn my camera on from a lockscreen. However, wiping the screen (top right, near the sensor) and turning this feature on and off again seems to have fixed it, BUT not the black screen during call bug.

Here's a thread on Nokia forums on this same problem:
Nokia Support Discussions - Proximity sensor doesn't switch off - Lumia 920 - Nokia Support Discussions

Seems to be popular...
I can confirm 2 of the issues.
1. Sound "pops" got words with friends, when taking letters, the sound appears to pop instead of sounding smooth. It will happen a time or two, then it will not, and return later.
2. Freezing. Happened this morning for the first time. Had my blutooth connected. Took a call, had to manually tell my phone to use my head set, although it was connect already, but when i hung up, my phone stayed there on that call ended screen. I tried what i could to reset it. Even tried steps for a hard reset, but i think that only works when the phone is powering on. After about 15 minutes my blutooth told me "connection cancelled" due to my phone resetting on its on.
I'm more than pleased with my white 920, but one issue I noticed today... I have dust in the front facing camera :( It's not an overabundance where it's blocking the sensor or affecting pictures from what I can tell, just a few specks. It appears to me that the recessed earpiece is not completely flush with the front glass on the side next to camera (we're talking micrometers here). I don't think I'll return it... I'll just live with it. But if it becomes an issue with picture/video conferencing problem I may think twice.

Kind of a bummer, but I've had none of the problems that others have dealt with. Speakerphone sounds great, and the vibrate rattle is just how it's going to sound so I can deal with it. I did have one issue that was fixed with a restart where speakerphone would not go louder than level 1 no matter what number I put it on. Oh well, I just chalk it up to early software adopter issues.
I am having some of those sound issues with cracking, distorted, and stuttering at various volume levels. Well, it happens in Xbox extras but doesn't present itself too often outside of that.

However, since I'm a brand new AT&T customer and I just got the phone I think I will take precaution and return it to a store since I did order it online directly form AT&T.

Unfortunately, It seems all the local stores are out of stock so I'll have to wait for replacement.
I have a few different audio issues so far...

First, WAV files no longer play. I get WAV audio file attachments in email from my Exchange server for my voicemails. On every previous phone, I've listened to them without issue. Now it tells me it can't play this type of file. I tweeted to @NokiaCareUS and got a response that they would look into it. (Responded within 3 minutes of my tweet to them!)

Second, when I'm on a call with someone, if an email alert comes in, I hear a very faint text notification TWICE then the email notification once. It is VERY distracting to hear "ding ding ****ing DING!" in my ear all the time, lol.

Third, when I unplug my headphones (or more commonly the audio cable in my car), the audio playback doesn't pause. And when it eventually realizes it's not plugged in, it reverts to playing loudly.

That said, I've not experience ANY of the other issues people are reporting including battery life issues (with the exception of yesterday having Facebook/Skype chats signed in all day... removed Skype and it was perfect today). I've been a very HEAVY user of GPS this week while I'm traveling in Indiana for work, so I can pretty much rule out Drive+ as a source of issues.

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