What phones do the MS leaders use?


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Does anyone have any confirmed insight into what phones Satya Nadella, Bill Gates, Terry M, Panos, Joe B, Dona S etc use as their daily drivers?
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Nadella and Sarkar have been seen and photographed with iPhones, and I'm pretty sure Myerson and Belfiore have also been outed years ago as iPhone users. The rest of them are anybody's guess, but the smart money would bet iPhone.

Which is too bad. If the folks at Microsoft had actually used the OS they developed 5 years ago, they might have been able to recognize and fix the problems before it was far too late. If you wont even use the product you created, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in others.
iPhone's. Why would anyone want to use something that isn't the best at what it does?
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I can appreciate anyone who wants and uses a good phone that fills the users needs.
Belfiore was the worst thing to happen to Windows Phone.

Even worse than the complete lack of 3rd party app development and even worse than the fact that no one actually cares enough to buy a Windows Phone? Ok.
Galaxy is by no means a bad OS. But, Windows is much better, more practical, easier functionality, plus~CORTANA~ IS Much smarter and more USEFUL than Siri.

Belfiore should transfer jobs. Then, we may continue with progression instead of regression.

Your ok as your last input suggest you may be up past your bedtime. Sweet dreams luv.
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I'm using Cortana on my Galaxy S8.

So it's Belfiore. Listen to his comments on the video above.

I didn't get mine from the Microsoft Store, because I wanted unlocked phone that I could switch from AT&T to Verizon if I wanted, but I basically have the same setup. All the MS apps, Cortana (remapped to the Bixby button to replace it, on my lockscreen and when I hold the home button), along with the Microsoft's Arrow Launcher.

My 950 is collecting dust. I miss what it could have been and what I wanted it to be... but I don't miss it in reality.

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