Surface Pro on TV.. Wireless HDMI???


New member
Feb 10, 2013
So really enjoying my surface, and after a month, its the best electronic device I've ever purchased. But i'm wondering how can I get this experience on m TV wirelressly. I've got an LG HD TV but its not smart, plus I would like it to be my windows 8 interface on the screen and not just sending videos etc which we can do via Xbox smart glass....

Does anyone have any Idea??

I've just bought a new modem router and a Network Attached Storage Server, so I can access all my movies on my Surface Wirelessly, and when I'm out and about. I've also got an Xbox 360, if that helps.

This would really would be the final piece of the puzzle....

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!!!
The only thing I can say is buy an adapter that supports wireless streaming.

Can't remember what brand but it hooks via hdmi and wireless transmits to a capable connection to tv.
If your TV supports DLNA for wireless beaming, you are all set. I use that to stream online content or to share photos.
I use Brite-View Wireless to beam my Surface to my LG tv. You will need to buy an adapter.
I was looking at maybe changing my tv to dlna enable device although I really want to be able to have my windows screen on my tv and my understanding is that you can only stream movies and pictures right?

The bright view looks good but isn't it quite big for your surface? I've seen some with an almost hdmi stick that looks good so I'm going to try them out. Hopefully I'll be able to walk around with the surface and have it show on my screen!
I was looking at maybe changing my tv to dlna enable device although I really want to be able to have my windows screen on my tv and my understanding is that you can only stream movies and pictures right?

The bright view looks good but isn't it quite big for your surface? I've seen some with an almost hdmi stick that looks good so I'm going to try them out. Hopefully I'll be able to walk around with the surface and have it show on my screen!

Yea the Brite View is big, but I've had it around for a long time with my laptop so I didn't have to go by anything new. It is deff not a 'mobile' scenario for sure. But works fine for me just sitting on the couch (my fav spot).
What is the best way to wirelessly show your Surface sceen on an HDTV? Don;t care about streaming audio\video I'd like my HDTV to at times just be a large monitor for my surface pro.
In that case will probably hold of seems that there isn't a real mobile solution yet! Microsoft there is still work to be done!
Microsoft really missed the boat on wireless display streaming. They really should have incorporated Miracast/WiDi into the Pro.

DLNA is an option if you only want to stream media, but the certified device list is pretty small (Certified means you can "play to" via apps in addition to the desktop.) All bets are off if you try to play anything that is DRM protected or Flash based.

BTW: you can fake windows into thinking your DLNA device is certified (if it's not) with a little registry editing
I've been thinking about something like airparrot and apple tv? I know it's not a mobile solution but it might work.

Admittedly I don't own a Surface Pro or Airparrot so I could be up in the night.
PTV3000 | Wireless Display Adapters | Connected Entertainment | Home | NETGEAR

this works perfectly with my surface pro on my HD tv, both picture and sound sync perfectly.

Stream whatever you have on your surface to your HD TV.

Just share screen Devices>project> to wireless display.


You can technically use any Miracast-enabled device. I've tried both the Netgear PTV3000 and the Actiontec ScreenBeam adapters with my Surface Pro, and they work. ScreenBeam Pro Wireless Display Receiver - SBWD100A

One thing to keep in mind is that your Surface Pro's connection to your router affects your Surface Pro's connection to the wireless display adapter. Make sure you have a good connection to both your router and to your wireless display adapter.
Surface Pro 2 does support Miracast. I use mine with the Netgear PTV3000 a couple of times a week. Really simple!

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