Frustrated with Lumia 1020 yellow tint!


New member
May 31, 2012
I've had the 1020 for about a year (amber)and it had the yellow tint then and now with (cyan) it's the same thing. I thought it might be my phone since many of you say you have no yellow tint issue so I sent it in to Nokia for warranty repairs. I got the phone back today with paper work saying everything had passed their quality tests. So the first thing I did was take a couple of pictures on full auto. Everything that's white comes out yellow and I know there's a lot of settings I can tweak get the colors semi decent but because you can't save profiles it's no help because I don't want to mess with the settings for 5mins each time I want to take a picture. As no one wants to stand around and pose for more than 10secs. I'm just so frustrated with this phone. If anyone has any advice or a way to fix the yellow tint I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!
You have this effect with flash only or without also ? Please post a picture with description what were the settings...
the yellow tint is only with flash and settings are just auto.
The color temperature for the flash is yellowish. If you want it gone it either needs to dominate in the photo or just be a kiss of light. All light sources look white to the eye when they in fact very some have a green hue it depends on the light.
That is why good external flashes have an aged yellow look to the plastic covering the flash, it filters out the yellow color of the flash. Some are clear and opt to put the yellow filter internally over the flash but it causes overheating issues for repeated use.
I get the yellow tint without any flash, using both the auto or incandescent white balance setting. Halp.
the yellow tint is only with flash and settings are just auto.

Same here, its very annoying...especially in low-med light areas. I find the auto doesnt do a good job of accounting for the natural light already in the picture...seems to over-compensate. Mind you i am not photographer, this is based on months of buddy has a 1020 as well and experiences the exact same.

I will try to get examples this weekend and post them, i usually delete the ones ive got as i dont care for wasting space on bad photos.
I get the yellow tint without any flash, using both the auto or incandescent white balance setting. Halp.
Do you get the yellow tint whether outside or inside pics? Under different lighting? Basically is it constant regardless of conditions?
Is the tint reguardless of which app u use to click pic?? Try Oneshot, MS camera, Nokia camera n Nokia camera beta
Also Proshot if u have it
The problem with the yellow tint is from the post processing. Something in Nokia's algorithms is doing it. At this point I don't know what else can be done expect to edit your pics with the the auto correct. It takes the yellow off my pictures but adds a little noise. Sighs nothing is perfect.
Does it look yellow only on your phone, or also when uploaded and viewed on a tablet or desktop computer? Depending on the Display settings on your phone, the screen on the 1020 may look more yellow than a photo viewed on other devices. Try adjusting the display to a more cool setting and see if that makes it better on your phone.

Second, I would question why your default setting would be flash on. My default is flash off, and that is the way that I take 95% of my photos. When you can get enough light from natural light, your photos will typically be better without the flash. My suggestion would be to think about the ways in which you can do more photo-taking without the flash. Photos taken with the flash are often more yellow than I'd like, but not always.

Third, I find that different cameras have more yellowish coloring than others. I use 4 of them on a regular basis. Proshot is the least yellow, and Microsoft camera is the most yellow. You can have Nokia Camera Beta, Nokia, or MS Camera as the default that is launched with the camera button. Also, try something like Hipstamatic Oggl Pro where the filters are very cool and give you a completely different look based on which lens/film combo you pick, and give you the option to change lens/film after the photo is taken.

Fourth, you can adjust the color temperature with PS Express, which is free.
That's too bad, Carlos. On cyan/8.1 since the 15th, and haven't noted any photo result changes. I just tested mine with a white quilt in a medium-lit room with only a clear-evening light coming through a 4' x 6' window; tried no, auto, and on flash settings, full-auto, and got no yellow tint. Never saw it on Black/8.0 either, and I never experienced an amber phase.

I can definitely get a yellow tint of green grass on certain outdoor shots. I first noticed it in some morning-light, contrasting-blue-sky shots, but I haven't taken the time to study this -prior to, nor since 8.1.

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