Lumia 521 FREE Wi-Fi calling is not free,all was TMO marketing BS


New member
May 1, 2013
As of today:08-12-13 from 604 views on this post!
Please just answer my question! "Are you charge for Wi-Fi calling or not"

Hi to all:smile:
Can you please tell me what can be wrong.:grincry:
I just spoke to TMO support that what was told to me that Wi-Fi calling option was released only where is not T-Mobile signal so it will work only at that time.
Is he correct?
How does it work for you?
My phone has latest firmware version.
I did reset phone once too.
It was told to me twice that my CIM card is compatible with my phone.
Under Wi-Fi calling app slide color is RED.
Wi-Fi calling icon is changing from RED to Blue.
I am getting Wi-Fi calling icon green and Phone service to Wi-Fi calling but Wi-Fi calling app slide color is was RED.
For any help thanks.:confused:

update to my post
911 is added
I am using latest Wi-Fi calling app.
Last edited:
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.Help needed.Slide bar is red.

Log into tmobile account online and add your telephone number under 911 emergency contact. Its a requirement.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.Help needed.Slide bar is red.

911 is added
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.Help needed.Slide bar is red.

I just found out myself that T-Mobile advertising with their triumphant claims of "Free Wi-Fi" is not free at all.

All is just marketing BS.

Thanks TMO for that
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.Help needed.Slide bar is red.

I just found out myself that T-Mobile advertising with their triumphant claims of "Free Wi-Fi" is not free at all.

All is just marketing BS.

Thanks TMO for that

We don't pay for WFC on our Fam plan.
WiFi calling is free when connected it uses your available minutes still, but allows for a connection when you wouldn't have one. It also requires the appropriate SIM card aka the one that came with it, it has some initials on it that tmobile said is required. So an old micro SIM may not work. I setup my profile online, connected to WiFi and wala.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

Did you get anywhere?
Is there a link to instruction on how to get 521 free WIFI going? T Mobile service said free wifi is a lie, there is no such thing and credit my account $10. Class action?
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

I'm curious where you saw that WiFi calling was free? Anytime I've seen T-Mobile mention it not counting against minutes, they indicated that was only for post-paid customers. Additionally, what was originally meant by "Free" is that there is no monthly charge to use the service, as it used to be an add on to your T-Mobile plan. Of course, with their new "uncarrier" plans, it doesn't matter if WiFi uses minutes as all of those plans are unlimited; only the $30/month prepaid and pay as you go plans are no longer unlimited. I really don't see where a lawsuit would be successful.

Now, with Prepaid on Android you can use some apps (Vonage, GrooveIP, Talkatone, etc.) to get free VoIP calling on prepaid -- unfortunately I've not seen those apps on WP.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

I saw 4 or 5 months ago on T-Mobile web side! That is why I got phone for. Until this week I found out is all f.... BS.
T-Mobile Offers Free WiFi Calling

copy from web
Starting today, T-Mobile customers can add Free Wi-Fi Calling to their rate plan -- at no additional charge -- to place calls over Wi-Fi without deducting from their allotment of minutes. This new feature is available at T-Mobile retail stores to all customers on Even More and Even More Plus Postpaid rate plans who have Wi-Fi Calling capable handsets.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

But notice the article is not from T-Mobile. Additionally, if you read the article, it quotes T-Mobile, "This new feature is available at T-Mobile retail stores to all customers on Even More and Even More Plus Postpaid rate plans who have Wi-Fi Calling capable handsets." Basically, the quote by T-Mobile states you are required to have a postpaid plan.
WiFi calling worked on my 521 free and clear, no problems, with 35$ prepaid plan. So I don't understand this useless topic.
Sounds like your 911 info is not added right. Call tmo back and ask them to fix it. Also don't fly off the Handle shouting about how you were lied to.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

I saw 4 or 5 months ago on T-Mobile web side! That is why I got phone for. Until this week I found out is all f.... BS.
T-Mobile Offers Free WiFi Calling

copy from web
Starting today, T-Mobile customers can add Free Wi-Fi Calling to their rate plan -- at no additional charge -- to place calls over Wi-Fi without deducting from their allotment of minutes. This new feature is available at T-Mobile retail stores to all customers on Even More and Even More Plus Postpaid rate plans who have Wi-Fi Calling capable handsets.

The first mistake is believing anything with Arianna Huffington's name on it lol

Actually Arianna is ok I guess. I don't really know her LOL, but the basics of the article are incorrect. T-MO does not have Even More or Even More Plus post-paid plans anymore. They were replaced by Simple Choice plans several months ago.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

It's not Huffington's fault, if you notice those plans did exist two years ago, when the article was written. I probably should have added in my response, that you need to make sure you are looking at current information.
WiFi calling worked on my 521 free and clear, no problems, with 35$ prepaid plan. So I don't understand this useless topic.

..useless topic: As I sad TMO support that what was told to me that Wi-Fi calling option was released only where is not T-Mobile signal so it will work only at that time and is not FREE.
I asked WIN 8 furum too. You are only one hwo has no problem!
..useless topic: As I sad TMO support that what was told to me that Wi-Fi calling option was released only where is not T-Mobile signal so it will work only at that time and is not FREE.
I asked WIN 8 furum too. You are only one hwo has no problem!

You can set the priority for WiFi calling. I get T-Mobile signal at home and use WiFi calling there without issue.
Re: Lumia 521 Wi-Fi calling is not working.

It's not Huffington's fault, if you notice those plans did exist two years ago, when the article was written. I probably should have added in my response, that you need to make sure you are looking at current information.

Holy crap!

That article was written two years ago!

I'm sorry Arianna!....Carry on with your left leaning but progressive agenda!

But please change back to your maiden name cause every time I see your current one it reminds me of your ex. The gas-bag ex rep from my my state of California

....just kidding! LOL

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