As of today:08-12-13 from 604 views on this post!
Please just answer my question! "Are you charge for Wi-Fi calling or not"
Hi to all:smile:
Can you please tell me what can be wrong.:grincry:
I just spoke to TMO support that what was told to me that Wi-Fi calling option was released only where is not T-Mobile signal so it will work only at that time.
Is he correct?
How does it work for you?
My phone has latest firmware version.
I did reset phone once too.
It was told to me twice that my CIM card is compatible with my phone.
Under Wi-Fi calling app slide color is RED.
Wi-Fi calling icon is changing from RED to Blue.
I am getting Wi-Fi calling icon green and Phone service to Wi-Fi calling but Wi-Fi calling app slide color is was RED.
For any help thanks.
update to my post
911 is added
I am using latest Wi-Fi calling app.
Please just answer my question! "Are you charge for Wi-Fi calling or not"
Hi to all:smile:
Can you please tell me what can be wrong.:grincry:
I just spoke to TMO support that what was told to me that Wi-Fi calling option was released only where is not T-Mobile signal so it will work only at that time.
Is he correct?
How does it work for you?
My phone has latest firmware version.
I did reset phone once too.
It was told to me twice that my CIM card is compatible with my phone.
Under Wi-Fi calling app slide color is RED.
Wi-Fi calling icon is changing from RED to Blue.
I am getting Wi-Fi calling icon green and Phone service to Wi-Fi calling but Wi-Fi calling app slide color is was RED.
For any help thanks.

update to my post
911 is added
I am using latest Wi-Fi calling app.
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