Why isn't the double tap to wake up my phone working properly?

Umang Sehgal1

New member
Sep 25, 2013
Double tap to wake up not working properly!!

Sometimes it works on two taps and most of the time I'm tapping it for more than two times but still there is no response. Is there any way to improve it or am I doing something wrong????
Re: Double tap to wake up not working properly!!

I'm facing the same issue. Double tap to wake is a hit or a miss. Sometimes it works in 1st try, on an average it works in 2-3 tries. But sometimes it does not wake even if I try 15-20 times. I just have to use the button.

As Denim is still an early build, I hope double tab would be improved in future software updates.
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Re: Double tap to wake up not working properly!!

Same here on my 1520..... Last night I tapped over 10 times.... Still didn't work... That's when I realised the phone was turned off *slaps head* lol
Just curious, do you have the 'Live Lock Screen BETA' installed? It is known to cause a lag in resuming the Start Screen when locked or on standby, even when you don't have it set as the Lockscreen background. I've uninstalled mine for the time being and double-tap to wake and the general responsiveness of resuming the Start Screen is back to its snappy old self.
happened often on my 520 too, but apparently after a hard reset + no backup restore it's better. I'm not sure, but it seemed worse after Cyan
You also have to be careful and not put a stray finger in front of the proximity sensor while doing this, because it could turn off the touch sensor alltogether.
Try really small touch screen and long touch 2x, and it should work. When I installed the Nilkin screen protector is better, I got 10 out of 10 experiments work.
Re: Double tap to wake up not working properly!!

Hey is this a problem with lumia denim update or what ???!!!
I recently bought lumia 730 and i am facing it .....before i have used lumia 520 it worked excellently in that can u suggest me any thing
Re: Double tap to wake up not working properly!!

It happened to me while using 730 but now it works fine !!
Easy and slow touch and be careful u don't cover the sensors near to the front cam!
It works 99% for me !!!!

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